I used to go to circus to see magician playing magic tricks with my dad when I was little. At that time, I appreciated so much and enjoyed them. I was always amazed by how they cut a people halfway who's inside a box without hurting him, and how they make people float in the air. The most popular magician in my opinion is David. He always has the most amazing tricks ever. For example, we see him flying on the stage without the help of any mechanisms which is dreamed by people for centuries. However, I know the tricks are not real, but I still like it.
Nowdays,magic is quite popular. I'm not magician. But I can play a game about magic.
First,find a coin. Then face a people and say it:I can eat and take it at the back.At the same time you do it. When you say "eat it" to make a false show of eat the coin then disguise it. When you say "take it at the back" you just take the coin at the back.
It's simple if you understand.
现在, 魔术非常流行。我不是魔术师,但我能变魔术。
首先, 找一个硬币。然后对着一个人说:我可以把硬币吃下去再从背脊里拿出来。 同时,开始魔术表演。说“吃”后, 假作把硬币吃进肚子里面, 并做些假动作来掩饰。说“从背脊里拿出来”后, 把硬币从背后拿出来。如果你理解,这个魔术就会很简单。
Nowdays,magic is quite popular. I'm not magician. But I can play a game about magic.
First,find a coin. Then face a people and say it:I can eat and take it at the back.At the same time you do it. When you say "eat it" to make a false show of eat the coin then disguise it. When you say "take it at the back" you just take the coin at the back.
It's simple if you understand.