今天早上在我们让每个孩子去上厕所时并且准备带他们出去公园散步。他是拒绝去上厕所的老师给他解释了我们要在出去前上厕所的原因。他是不听劝的并且不停的哭诉(Whining) 并且哭闹著拒绝去上厕所。
因为时间的关系老师只好让他穿上尿布 ( 我们已经开始让孩子做厕所训练的,所以是不应该让孩子继续穿尿布的因为他们的开始学习尿尿在马桶上)。
後来散步完, 回到幼儿园, 在午觉时间时老师给他把尿布拿掉. 并且告诉他要尿尿时必须去厕所坐在马桶上尿. 但没想到意外发生了, 在午觉时间结束时,老师发现他尿床了,床垫上和裤子上都沾满了他的尿. 老师有点不开心,并且问他为什麼不说一声就尿在床上了. 後来老师就带他去厕所给他换了裤子和衣服并且也消毒了他的床垫. 当我们让他在厕所换裤子和衣服时,他是哭泣的. 因为他尿床了
This morning, when we were asking the kids to go to the toilet and getting them ready for a walk in the park, he refused to go to the toilet. The teacher explained to him the reason for going to the toilet before going out, but he didn’t listen and kept whining in refusal to go to the toilet.
In the interest of time, the teacher had to put on diaper for him. (We have already started toilet training for the kids and making the them learn to pass urine using the toilet, so we were not supposed to let them continue wearing diapers.)
After we finished walking and went back to the kindergarten, it was the napping time. However, as the teacher was taking off his diaper and telling him that he had to sit on the toilet if wanting to pass urine, an accident happened— just as the napping time finished, the teacher discovered that he peed on his bed. Both his pants and the mattress were covered with his urine. The teacher was a bit unhappy, and asked him why he peed on the bed without letting anyone know. Later on, the teacher took him to the toilet to change his clothes as well as sterilising the mattress on his bed. When we were changing his clothes for him, he was crying because he knew he had pee on the bed.
今天早上在circle time时我问joseph 要不要去厕所,要不要去尿尿。Joseph他是摇著他的头拒绝我的我问他确定吗? 他还是一样摇著他的头拒绝我。没办法我只好先让其他孩子先去上厕所之後等其他孩子上完老师让我牵著他的手去厕所并且坐在马桶上. 他是哭闹的一直说no 并且不愿意坐在马桶上的老师给他用法语解释了尿尿在马桶上的用意并且解释尿在裤子上的坏处後来我们给他坐在马桶上一段时间他什麼也没尿出来. 为了以防意外发生老师还是给他穿上了尿布所以他就不会尿在裤子上尤其当我们在外面散步时这样会比较好
This morning during Circle Time, I asked Joseph whether he needed to go to the toilet, whether he needed to pee. Josep only shook his head in refusal. I asked him if he was sure, he still kept shaking his head to refuse me. I had no choice but to let other kids to go to the toilet first. After all the other kids are finished, the teacher asked me to take his hand to the toilet and to sit him on the toilet. He kept crying and saying no, as well as being unwilling to sit on the toilet. The teacher explained to him in French the importance of passing urine on the toilet as well as the bad points about peeing on his pants. Later on, when we sat him on the toilet, he couldn’t pass any urine. In case of any accidents, the teacher still put on diaper for him, so that he wouldn’t pee on his pants, especially when we were having a walk outside.
今天在下午午觉时间结束之後,我问joseph 要不要去厕所尿尿,他点头了! 於是他进到厕所里面之後自己脱下裤子然後坐在马桶上.而我就让他自己一个人尿,我就去叫醒其他孩子.後来大概几分钟之後我进去厕所看他的情况, 他终於尿尿了并且他用英语跟我说 ‘’ I did it’’ 我用超级兴奋的语气赞美他说 ‘’ good job, joseph’’ 并且让他看他自己的尿尿在马桶上.我的老师也很高兴的赞美他并且为他感到骄傲他终於做到了
After the napping time was finished today, I asked Joseph if he wanted to go to the toilet to pass urine and he nodded his head! After entering into the toilet, he took off the pants by himself and sat on the toilet. I left him to pass urine by himself and went to wake the other kids up. After a few minutes, I went back into the toilet to check on him. He finally passed urine successfully. He said to me in English: “I did it!” Then I praised him in an extremely excited tone: “Good job, Joseph!” I also let him see his urine in the toilet. The teacher also praised him happily and felt proud of him, because he finally made it.
满意还望尽快采纳 :)
This morning,when we asked each child to go to the bathroom , and we would take them out for a walk in the park. He refused to do so. When the teacher explained the reason why one must go to the bathroom before he goes out, he didn't listen and cried. Because of the time, the teacher had to let him put on his diaper.