Avril was born in Canada in 1984 the town Napanee, like singing from an early age, performing. 最喜欢以吉他来创作音乐,后被Arista唱片公司发掘,从此踏上歌手之路。 Most like the guitar to create music, Arista Records was to explore, from the singer set foot on the road. 与布兰妮等玉女偶像千变万化的造型不同,爱玩滑板的艾薇儿强调做率性的自己,总喜欢穿背心垮裤系黑色领带出席音乐会。 Girl idol Britney Spears, etc. with a variety of different shapes, Avril playing skateboards率性own stress that a total collapse like to wear vests pants black tie to attend the concert line. 初试啼声的《Let go》可以说是一炮而红,以十足的摇滚味道作为目标的处女作无论是品质还是销售量都叫好又叫座。 Debut of "Let go" can be said to be a fame to the full flavor of rock and roll debut as a target or whether it is the quality of sales and popular applause.
绝不平凡! By no means ordinary! 这对Avril Lavigne而言已经算是温和的形容词了。 This is Avril Lavigne has been moderate in terms of the adjective. 她是一个引领流行文化的女子、一个爆发力十足的灵魂,一个狂野不羁的女孩。 She is a woman leading the popular culture, a full power of the soul, a wild uninhibited girl. 她是那种大约两岁左右,就能够以声音引起人们激赏的怪胎。 She is about the kind of two-year-old around, we will be able to raise the voice of monster fans. 她是那种没办法乖乖坐在课堂上,但是却充满了自信和决心,并且一个人跑到纽约和洛杉矶去磨练创作技巧的小镇女孩。 She is not the kind to sit quietly in class, but it is full of self-confidence and determination, and a man went to New York and Los Angeles to hone their creative skills in a small town girl. 她是那种完全靠着自己的力量,为了成功不计代价,思想前卫的十七岁叛逆青年。 She is the kind of totally relying on its own strength, in order to succeed at any price, 17-year-old avant-garde thinking rebellious youth. “我才刚出道,我要清楚地做自己,我写出自己的感受,从不在乎其他人怎么想,”Avril坦诚。 "I only fledgling, so I would like to clear myself, I write my feelings, from the do not care how other people think," Avril frank. “我要穿出本色,做出本色,唱出本色。” "I want out of character to make a character, calling out the color."
很明显地,Avril生来就是为了做这些疯狂的事。 Obviously, Avril was born to do these crazy things. 身为排行中间的老二,却“老是想成为注意力焦点”的小孩,她注定要离开加拿大安大略省那个人口只有五千人的小镇纳帕尼(Napanee)。 As a middle ranking second, but "always want to be the focus of attention" of children, she is destined to leave Canada, Ontario, a population of only 5000 people that the town of Napanee (Napanee). “我记得很小的时候,我站在床上,就像它是舞台一样,我扯着喉咙大声地唱,想像有好几千个人围绕着我。”从卧室开始,不论何时何地她都可以唱,像是在教堂里唱圣歌,或是参加音乐节,然后在展览会和歌唱比赛上表演乡村音乐,直到她被Arista唱片所发掘。 "I remember very little of the time, I was standing on the bed, just as it is a stage, I pulled throat to sing loudly, to imagine that there are thousands of individuals around me." Started from the bedroom, no matter when and where she can be sing, such as singing hymns in church, or to participate in music festivals, and exhibitions and singing contests in the country music performances, until she was discovered by Arista Records.
在送出去给各唱片公司她唱歌表演的录影带之后,她得到Nettwerk唱片公司的回覆,并告知她希望跟她签下试唱歌手的合约,这是她期待已久能够让她离开这个小镇的大好机会,“后来他们也要我帮忙写词这点很吸引我,于是我搬到纽约,因为我要和他们共同创作一段时间。” Sent out in record companies to show a video of her singing, she received a reply Nettwerk Records, and told her she would like to sign the contract试唱singers, this is the long-awaited her to let her leave the town a great opportunity, "Later, they also help写词this point I am attracted me, so I moved to New York because I would like to co-create with them a certain period of time."
这个发展听起来很简单,不过命运的发展却让Avril从此改变。 This development sounds very simple, but left the fate of the development changed from Avril. “有一天,一个Arista的人来录音室听到我录音,后来他马上就请”LA”瑞德(Arista的老板)来听,”她继续说:“我就为他唱了两首,结果他马上就要和我签约,我还没机会和其他唱片公司谈呢,不过这状况真的很少,我是说,有人花了10年才谈到合约,所以我真是非常非常非常幸运!” "One day, an Arista people to listen to my recording studio, which he immediately requested the" LA "Reid (Arista boss) to listen to," she went on to say: "I sang for him on two, resulting in He and I immediately signed up, I have not the opportunity to record companies and others to talk about it, but this situation is rare, I mean, some people have spent 10 years talking about the contract, so I am really very very very lucky! "
让”LA”瑞德和所有员工感到兴奋的是Avril生气蓬勃的鲜明个性和纯真的魅力,以及嗓音酷似娜塔莉和莉莎洛普的甜美流行、和艾拉妮丝莫莉赛特和蔻特妮勒芙的狂放不羁。 So "LA" Reid, and all staff are excited about the vibrant Avril distinct personality and charm of innocence, as well as the voice similar to Natalie and the sweet pop莉莎洛普and Alanis and Kou丝莫莉Poll Courteney勒芙the wild uninhibited. “虽然有人这么说我,也不会让我改变,”她说:“我不在乎别人说什么,我只要做我自己,我也不会去学别人,我不是坏孩子,我只想要每天高高兴兴的过日子还有诚实做自己就好,真的很希望,大家能看到这一点。” "Although some people say that I will not let me change my mind," she said: "I do not care what other people said, as long as I do myself, I would not have to learn other people, I am not bad, I just want a day There are honest and live happily in their own good, really hope that everyone can see it. "
十六岁时,她搬到曼哈顿着手进行她的首张专辑。 16-year-old, she moved to Manhattan to proceed with her debut album. Avril投入创作过程。 Avril into the creative process. “我热爱创作,”她解释道。 "I love writing," she explained. “当我心情不好或是真的需要脱离那种情绪的时候,我会拿起吉他。有时候我觉得我的吉他就是我的治疗师。” "When I really need a bad mood or feeling from that time, I will pick up the guitar. Sometimes I think my guitar is my therapist."
尽管在纽约的管制时期中,Avril实际上是住在录音室里,但是她的努力一开始并没有获得回报。 Although in New York in the control period, Avril actually live in the studio, but the beginning of her work did not get a return. “我开始和这些才华洋溢的人们工作,但我就是没有那种感觉;那些歌曲并不能代表我,”她承认。 "I started with these talented people, but I was not feeling; those songs and can not represent me," she admitted. “接着他们开始提到要找人写歌给我唱,但是我得自己动笔才行。我得做我自己的音乐。那时候压力真的好大,但是我从来没想过要放弃。”相反地,她飞到西岸去了。 "Then they started writing songs mentioned to me to find people to sing, but do I have to write their own. I have to do my own music. At that time the pressure is really big, but I never have to give up." Opposite , she flew to the West Bank. 洛杉矶给了她所需要的崭新开始。 Los Angeles, gave her a new need to start.
艾薇儿的音乐却足以同时感动女孩与男孩,以及一些富于冒险精神的成人,而她也正尽力地朝此方向努力。 Avril's music is enough to move girls and boys at the same time, as well as some adults whose adventurous spirit, and she also is doing its best to move in this direction. “我等不及要出场了。我想要摇撼这个世界!我要人们知道我的音乐是真实而且诚恳的,是发自内心的。我只是想忠于自己。” "I can not wait to play. I want to shake the world! I want people to know that my music is real and sincere, is the heart. I just want to their loyalty."
Avril was born in Canada in 1984 the town Napanee, like singing from an early age, performing. Most like the guitar to create music, Arista Records was to explore, from the singer set foot on the road. Girl idol Britney Spears, etc. with a variety of different shapes, Avril playing skateboards Might as well own stress that a total collapse like to wear vests pants black tie to attend the concert line. Debut of "Let go" can be said to be a fame to the full flavor of rock and roll debut as a target or whether it is the quality of sales and popular applause.
By no means ordinary! This is Avril Lavigne has been moderate in terms of the adjective. She is a woman leading the popular culture, a full power of the soul, a wild uninhibited girl. She is about the kind of two-year-old around, we will be able to raise the voice of monster fans. She is not the kind to sit quietly in class, but it is full of self-confidence and determination, and a man went to New York and Los Angeles to hone their creative skills in a small town girl. She is the kind of totally relying on its own strength, in order to succeed at any price, 17-year-old avant-garde thinking rebellious youth. "I only fledgling, so I would like to clear myself, I write my feelings, from the do not care how other people think," Avril frank. "I want out of character to make a character, calling out the color."
Obviously, Avril was born to do these crazy things. As a middle ranking second, but "always want to be the focus of attention" of children, she is destined to leave Canada, Ontario, a population of only 5000 people that the town of Napanee (Napanee). "I remember very little of the time, I was standing on the bed, just as it is a stage, I pulled throat to sing loudly, to imagine that there are thousands of individuals around me." Started from the bedroom, no matter when and where she can be sing, such as singing hymns in church, or to participate in music festivals, and exhibitions and singing contests in the country music performances, until she was discovered by Arista Records.
Sent out in record companies to show a video of her singing, she received a reply Nettwerk Records, and told her she would like to sign the contract Tries to sing singers, this is the long-awaited her to let her leave the town a great opportunity, "Later, they also help Writes the word this point I am attracted me, so I moved to New York because I would like to co-create with them a certain period of time."
This development sounds very simple, but left the fate of the development changed from Avril. "One day, an Arista people to listen to my recording studio, which he immediately requested the" LA "Reid (Arista boss) to listen to," she went on to say: "I sang for him on two, resulting in He and I immediately signed up, I have not the opportunity to record companies and others to talk about it, but this situation is rare, I mean, some people have spent 10 years talking about the contract, so I am really very very very lucky! "
So "LA" Reid, and all staff are excited about the vibrant Avril distinct personality and charm of innocence, as well as the voice similar to Natalie and the sweet pop Lisa Luo river Pu and Alanis and Kou Silk not Li Poll Courteney Forces the lotus the wild uninhibited. "Although some people say that I will not let me change my mind," she said: "I do not care what other people said, as long as I do myself, I would not have to learn other people, I am not bad, I just want a day There are honest and live happily in their own good, really hope that everyone can see it. "
16-year-old, she moved to Manhattan to proceed with her debut album. Avril into the creative process. "I love writing," she explained. "When I really need a bad mood or feeling from that time, I will pick up the guitar. Sometimes I think my guitar is my therapist."
Although in New York in the control period, Avril actually live in the studio, but the beginning of her work did not get a return. "I started with these talented people, but I was not feeling; those songs and can not represent me," she admitted. "Then they started writing songs mentioned to me to find people to sing, but do I have to write their own. I have to do my own music. At that time the pressure is really big, but I never have to give up." Opposite , she flew to the West Bank. Los Angeles, gave her a new need to start.
Avril's music is enough to move girls and boys at the same time, as well as some adults whose adventurous spirit, and she also is doing its best to move in this direction. "I can not wait to play. I want to shake the world! I want people to know that my music is real and sincere, is the heart. I just want to their loyalty."
Avril Ramona Lavigne was born in Napanee, Ontario, to parents Judy and John on September 27th, 1984. She was the middle child. She has a brother names Matthew who's 19 years old and a younger sister Michelle, 14. But she was always the feisty one and spent most of her school years getting into trubble. Even as a teen at Napanee District High School, despite being one of the smallest in her class (5''1'), she was always getting into scrapes. "I got into lots of fights," she admits. "If someone was picking on one of my friends, I'd go bithc them out. I wasn't a fighter, but I don't take any crap. Avril's strong character meant shewasn't always popular with her classmates. "The funny thing is," she smiles "people used to be intimidated by me. I don't know why. It's weird - the group you hang out with and the clothes you wear can scare people. My teachers hated me because I never did my work and never paid attention in class." But itwasn't just Avril's teachers who were angry with her, trouble at school made her parents mad, which meant she was always grounded. "I was rebellious towards my parents, but we're cool now," Avril reveals. "I was always in trouble. I was never allowed to do anything after school so I'd go to my room and write." And that's where Avril's musicwas born, being grounded gave her the time (and inspiration) to write her first album, Let Go.
Avril had been into music since the age of 2, performing in localmusicals, village fairs and, thanks to devout Christian family, at church. Until theage of 12 she'd just been a singer, but she decided she wanted more. So she taught herself to play guitar, andfound a new way of making her parents proud, too. "I taught myself on my dad's guitar," she says. "I started writing lines here and there and they grew into songs. I did it on my own, but my parents supported me," she smiles.
It wasn't long before Avril had her first taste of fame. At the age of 14, singing contest in Canada's capital, Ottawa. She won and appeared on stage as part of her prize (alongside Shania Twain in front of 10.000 people.) It was then that she knew that she could do it, she knew she had something special, so she started to chase her dream. Determinded to be a star, Avril sent a home video of herself singing karaoke to Peter Zizzo, an American songwriter/producer. He was so impressed he invited the ambitious 16 year old on a songwriting trip to New York. Everyone loved her and she was immediately signed to Arista Records, kome of Pink and Usher. Avril's dream was coming true, so she dropped out of school and moved to New York to work on her debut album. But living the dream was scarier than tough- kid Avril had thought. "The city is nuts. It was crazy learning subway on my way to the studio every day," she says, "But I was glad to be doing something productive." After a year working hard Avril had finished her first album, Let Go. "My lyrics are honest and I write about whatever happens to me," she says. "my song Losing Grip means a lot to me, it's about my ex-boyfriend. We weren't meeting on a emotional level and he wasn't giving me what I needed. I can still play the same songs and get mad and get my anger out. It's therapeutic and I hope I can help others in a similar situation." But it wasn't all plain- rocking. Avril'sfeisty self-belief caused problems, too. "I worked with a ton of people, and fought with most of them," she explains. "I'd go on writing trips, meets lots of musicians and write one song and be like, 'Screw this. I'm not working with that person.' Sometimes, just because of my age, they didn't want to hear what I had to say. I probably just gave them attitude if they weren't listening. I'm a little fighter and I stand up for what I believe."
Avril also ran into trouble because she refused to be manufactured by the record company. As she'd said all along, she just wanted to be herself. So she refused to do what she told to say, or even wear. "I'm not a ****ing product, I'm a human. There are times when I go to photoshoots and there are racks of clothes and I'mlike 'No I'm not wearing any of that," Avril says. "People try to get me to wear high-heeled shoes and cute little shirts and I'm like 'No! It's tempting, girls like to look pretty, but I'm not like that. It's really important that, when I'm on camera I dress and act the way I normally would. I just want to be myself. I don't want to act like someone I'm not.I want the world to know who I really am. I'm sick of people being fake, and two-faced."
The great thing is, despite her success, fame hasn't changed Avril at all. "I just think that the way people treat me sometimes is just, like, weird". "It's like they think I'm made up of plastic or something. I was walking down the hall one time, and this guy was yelling 'Move out ofmy way',at everyoneso I could walk through. I was like, ****ing shut up! I don't deserve to be treated any more special than other people." So, forget Jenny from the block, this is one down-to-earth girl who'll still be keeping it real when she's on her 10th album. And Avril's determinded to stick around for a long time. "I want a very long career.I'm only 18 so I'm growing and becoming who I am, and I change all the time. But I want to be around for a while yet and make tons of different albums."
Avril was born in Canada in 1984 the town Napanee, like singing from an early age, performing. Most like the guitar to create music, Arista Records was to explore, from the singer set foot on the road. Girl idol Britney Spears, etc. with a variety of different shapes, Avril playing skateboards率性own stress that a total collapse like to wear vests pants black tie to attend the concert line. Debut of "Let go" can be said to be a fame to the full flavor of rock and roll debut as a target or whether it is the quality of sales and popular applause.
By no means ordinary! This is Avril Lavigne has been moderate in terms of the adjective. She is a woman leading the popular culture, a full power of the soul, a wild uninhibited girl. She is about the kind of two-year-old around, we will be able to raise the voice of monster fans. She is not the kind to sit quietly in class, but it is full of self-confidence and determination, and a man went to New York and Los Angeles to hone their creative skills in a small town girl. She is the kind of totally relying on its own strength, in order to succeed at any price, 17-year-old avant-garde thinking rebellious youth. "I only fledgling, so I would like to clear myself, I write my feelings, from the do not care how other people think," Avril frank. "I want out of character to make a character, calling out the color."
Obviously, Avril was born to do these crazy things. As a middle ranking second, but "always want to be the focus of attention" of children, she is destined to leave Canada, Ontario, a population of only 5000 people that the town of Napanee (Napanee). "I remember very little of the time, I was standing on the bed, just as it is a stage, I pulled throat to sing loudly, to imagine that there are thousands of individuals around me." Started from the bedroom, no matter when and where she can be sing, such as singing hymns in church, or to participate in music festivals, and exhibitions and singing contests in the country music performances, until she was discovered by Arista Records.
Sent out in record companies to show a video of her singing, she received a reply Nettwerk Records, and told her she would like to sign the contract试唱singers, this is the long-awaited her to let her leave the town a great opportunity, "Later, they also help写词this point I am attracted me, so I moved to New York because I would like to co-create with them a certain period of time."
This development sounds very simple, but left the fate of the development changed from Avril. "One day, an Arista people to listen to my recording studio, which he immediately requested the" LA "Reid (Arista boss) to listen to," she went on to say: "I sang for him on two, resulting in He and I immediately signed up, I have not the opportunity to record companies and others to talk about it, but this situation is rare, I mean, some people have spent 10 years talking about the contract, so I am really very very very lucky! "
So "LA" Reid, and all staff are excited about the vibrant Avril distinct personality and charm of innocence, as well as the voice similar to Natalie and the sweet pop莉莎洛普and Alanis and Kou丝莫莉Poll Courteney勒芙the wild uninhibited. "Although some people say that I will not let me change my mind," she said: "I do not care what other people said, as long as I do myself, I would not have to learn other people, I am not bad, I just want a day There are honest and live happily in their own good, really hope that everyone can see it. "
16-year-old, she moved to Manhattan to proceed with her debut album. Avril into the creative process. "I love writing," she explained. "When I really need a bad mood or feeling from that time, I will pick up the guitar. Sometimes I think my guitar is my therapist."
Although in New York in the control period, Avril actually live in the studio, but the beginning of her work did not get a return. "I started with these talented people, but I was not feeling; those songs and can not represent me," she admitted. "Then they started writing songs mentioned to me to find people to sing, but do I have to write their own. I have to do my own music. At that time the pressure is really big, but I never have to give up." Opposite , she flew to the West Bank. Los Angeles, gave her a new need to start.
Avril's music is enough to move girls and boys at the same time, as well as some adults whose adventurous spirit, and she also is doing its best to move in this direction. "I can not wait to play. I want to shake the world! I want people to know that my music is real and sincere, is the heart. I just want to their loyalty."
Avril was born in Canada in 1984 the town Napanee, like singing from an early age, performing. Most like the guitar to create music, Arista Records was to explore, from the singer set foot on the road. Girl idol Britney Spears, etc. with a variety of different shapes, Avril playing skateboards率性own stress that a total collapse like to wear vests pants black tie to attend the concert line. Debut of "Let go" can be said to be a fame to the full flavor of rock and roll debut as a target or whether it is the quality of sales and popular applause.
By no means ordinary! This is Avril Lavigne has been moderate in terms of the adjective. She is a woman leading the popular culture, a full power of the soul, a wild uninhibited girl. She is about the kind of two-year-old around, we will be able to raise the voice of monster fans. She is not the kind to sit quietly in class, but it is full of self-confidence and determination, and a man went to New York and Los Angeles to hone their creative skills in a small town girl. She is the kind of totally relying on its own strength, in order to succeed at any price, 17-year-old avant-garde thinking rebellious youth. "I only fledgling, so I would like to clear himself,
I write my feelings, from the do not care how other people think, "Avril frank." Out of character I would like to make a character, calling out the color. "
Obviously, Avril was born to do these crazy things. As a middle ranking second, but "always want to be the focus of attention" of children, she is destined to leave Canada, Ontario, a population of only 5000 people that the town of Napanee (Napanee). "I remember very little of the time, I was standing on the bed, just as it is a stage, I pulled throat to sing loudly, to imagine that there are thousands of individuals around me." Started from the bedroom, no matter when and where she can be sing, such as singing hymns in church, or to participate in music festivals, and exhibitions and singing contests in the country music performances,
Until she was discovered by Arista Records.
Sent out in record companies to show a video of her singing, she received a reply Nettwerk Records, and told her she would like to sign the contract试唱singers, this is the long-awaited her to let her leave the town a great opportunity, "Later, they also help写词this point I am attracted me, so I moved to New York because I would like to co-create with them a certain period of time."
This development sounds very simple, but left the fate of the development changed from Avril. "One day, an Arista people to listen to my recording studio, which he immediately requested the" LA "Reid (Arista boss) to listen to," she went on to say: "I sang for him on two, resulting in He and I immediately signed up, I have not the opportunity to record companies and others to talk about it, but this situation is rare, I mean, some people have spent 10 years talking about the contract, so I am really very very very lucky! "
So "LA" Reid, and all staff are excited about the vibrant Avril distinct personality and charm of innocence, as well as the voice similar to Natalie and the sweet pop莉莎洛普and Alanis and Kou丝莫莉Poll Courteney勒芙the wild uninhibited. "Although some people say that I will not let me change my mind," she said: "I do not care what other people said, as long as I do myself, I would not have to learn other people, I am not bad, I just want a day There are honest and live happily in their own good, really hope that everyone can see it. "
16-year-old, she moved to Manhattan to proceed with her debut album. Avril into the creative process. "I love writing," she explained. "When I really need a bad mood or feeling from that time, I will pick up the guitar. Sometimes I think my guitar is my therapist."
Although in New York in the control period, Avril actually live in the studio, but the beginning of her work did not get a return. "I started with these talented people, but I was not feeling; those songs and can not represent me," she admitted. "Then they started writing songs mentioned to me to find people to sing, but do I have to write their own. I have to do my own music. At that time the pressure is really big, but I never have to give up." Opposite , she flew to the West Bank. Los Angeles, gave her a new need to start.
Avril's music is enough to move girls and boys at the same time, as well as some adults whose adventurous spirit, and she also is doing its best to move in this direction. "I can not wait to play. I want to shake the world! I want people to know that my music is real and sincere, is the heart. I just want to their loyalty."