
2024-12-17 23:46:10

. “throws” an only fist, is hitting on the nose, hits the blood to jump the class, the nose crookedly in the half, actually then resembled the soy sauce shop, salty, the acid, spicy, a round rolled. Proposes the fist to come, on an eye socket eyebrow border tree top only fist, hits the eye opening crack, the pupil of eye boils up, also resembled the color silks shop, red, black, deep red, will settle will come out. Also an only fist, on the temples, was actually resembling has made the entire hall amphibious Buddhist temple, Qing, the cymbals, the large cymbal, made a sound in once.”


"Bashing" the only blow is hit in the nose, the play blood spurt flow askew nose in the half, but opened便似Shop soy sauce, salty, sour, spicy, and roll out all out. • • • • • • raised fist, the eyebrow on the occasion of orbital blow just shoot, play eye edge seam split, Wu Chu迸出, may also open a shop silk color, red, black, purple-red, are lake will be out. • • • • • • and only blow, is a temple,却似done a full-tang surface Daochang, Qing infants, children cymbals, Nao children ring together. "


“throws” an only fist, is hitting on the nose, hits the blood to jump the class, the nose crookedly in the half, actually then resembled the soy sauce shop, salty, the acid, spicy, a round rolled. Proposes the fist to come, on an eye socket eyebrow border tree top only fist, hits the eye opening crack, the pupil of eye boils up, also resembled the color silks shop, red, black, deep red, will settle will come out. Also an only fist, on the temples, was actually resembling has made the entire hall amphibious Buddhist temple, Qing, the cymbals, the large cymbal, made a sound in once.”


“throws” an only fist, is hitting on the nose, hits the blood to jump the classvcshop, salty, veye socket eyebrow border tree top only fist, hits the eye the pupil of eye boils up, also resembled the color silks shop, red, black, deep was actually resembling has made the entire hall amphibious Buddhist temple, Qing, the cymbals, the large cymbal, xin once.”