Lying by the Tree to wait for
其他表达法:stupid lacking innovation story
a passive attitude
be waited for
1. 莫非是现代版寓言故事之守株待兔?
BE a might it not be modern version parable stupid lacking innovation story?
2. 再有个也是幽灵们最常用的——守株待兔。
And then there is a ghost who is also the most commonly used - a passive attitude.
3. 成就不是来自于守株待兔,而是来自于不断的追求。
Achievement is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to go after.
Lying by the Tree to wait for
Wait by a stump for a hare
The Vigil by the Tree Stump 或者 The World Owes Me a Rabbit
keep stable for hare