Topic: the influence of watercolour painting 2000c
Keywords: define popularity impact
British watercolour originated in the United States, from prosperity to China to start, watercolor itself has been the definition of the largest watercolor proposition. There are still some propositions on specific problems of aesthetic study, watercolor and restrictions, CheFu limit etc. In my opinion, there are many many people do not understand, watercolor painting, watercolor as the watercolor look, is that the picture or painting and similar, I aquarelle in China with Chinese characteristics and popularization of watercolor. Chinese watercolor and, although is water and the form of the same color painting, but because the way history, humanity, ideological differences, resulting in the picture. Someone said, China watercolor painting should be to study, learning the Chinese wind, I don't deny that MinZuShi easy to form the style, but also the watercolor is assimilated are unique. China's imports of the watercolor using lu xun "si" of the spirit. But I don't think the distinct personality type is difficult to have the development. In my opinion to take off the painting "hat" first to dig deep characteristics and strengthen the watercolor watercolor differences. As a western painting, they should have a characteristic of western painting, although China watercolor in recent years has made progress, but in many people's eyes still is not only the small type, it&rsquo oil paintings and breakthrough. We through the comparison of the watercolor paintings and characteristics of learning to rediscover watercolor art.