
2024-12-27 17:10:26


  甲方(出租方):____________ 乙方(承租方):____________ 证 件 号 码:_____________ 证 件 号 码:_____________
  电 话:___________ 电 话:___________

  1) __________路_________号__________室(以下简称“该房屋”)
  2) 用途:居住、办公、商住、其他。
  3) 房地产权证/房屋所有权证号码________________________。
  4) 面积:该房屋建筑面积_____________平方米。

  1) 租期由二00____年_____月______日起至二00____年_____月______日止,为期____月。
  2) 甲乙双方约定每月租金为人民币_______________元整。
  3) 入住前乙方预付房租______月,入住后______月内付清剩余房租。如超过付款日未付,本协议自然终结并由乙方支付违约金。

  1) 甲乙双方约定,甲方交付该房屋时,乙方应向甲支付房屋租赁保证金。保证金为人民币___________元整。甲方收到保证金后应向乙方开具收款凭证。
  2) 租赁期间,该房屋的水、电、煤气、电话费、有线电视费、清扫费由乙方支付。因帐单过期未付,造成的罚金由乙方承担。
  3) 物业管理费用由______方支付。
  1) 乙方不得在该房屋内从事任何违法事情,否则,甲方有权终止本协议。
  2) 未经甲方同意,乙方不得将承租的房屋转租和分租。否则,甲方有权终止本协议。
  3) 保持该房屋内部或公用部位的整洁。未经甲方同意,乙方不得改变该房屋的任何结构。否则,甲方有权终止本合同并要求乙方承担恢复原状所需费用。
  4) 小心使用甲方之固定装置及设备,任何物件损坏时(正常损坏除外),甲方得向乙方收取修理或更换费用将其更换。
  5) 不得影响邻居的正常生活和妨碍他人。

  1) 负责办理套房维修。
  2) 协助提供有关的办公和生活。
  3) 如乙方未违反协议条款,在合同结束并清帐后由甲方将保证金退回乙方。

  1) 本到期前三十天以书面通知对方合同按期终结。如需延长协议,甲方应优先乙方续租,双方应书面认可。
  2) 甲乙双方均应对本协议书重要内容保守秘密,非经他方同意不得泄露无关之他人。 .
  3) 在协议期间任何一方违约,应承担违约金人民币__________元(因不可抗拒之原因违约除外)。

  4) 本协议一式三份,甲乙双方各执一份,经甲乙双方签字后即生效,另一份由中介保留。


  甲 方 : 乙 方 :
  盖 章 : 盖 章 :
  日 期 : 日 期 :

  其他 ______________________________________________________


This contract is made in ______(day)______(month)______(year)
甲方(出租方):_____________________ 证件号码:_________________________
Party A(landlord):__________________ Identification No.:__________________
地址:____________________________ 电话:___________ 联系人:_________
Address:__________________________ TEL.:____________ Contact:________
乙方(承租方):_____________________ 证件号码:_________________________
Party B(tenant):____________________ Identification No.:__________________
地址:____________________________ 电话:___________ 联系人:_________
Address:__________________________ TEL.:____________ Contact:________
Representative agent:_______________
地址:____________________________ 电话:___________ 联系人:_________
Address:_________________________ TEL.:____________ Contact:________

Now Party A and Party B accept and agree to make the rental contract after the friendly discussion between each other and cooperation of the representative agent.
1) 上海市__________路_________弄_________号__________室(以下简称“该房屋”)
Room_______House_______Lane_______Road_________Shanghai(hereafter referred as the house)
2) 用途:居住、办公、商住、其他。
Usage: for living、for office、for commerce、other usage.
3) 房地产权证/房屋所有权证号码________________________。
The property certification/ The property certification No.________________________.
4) 面积:该房屋建筑面积_____________平方米。
Area: Gross area is______________ square meters.

Rent、length of Tenancy and process of payment
1) 甲乙双方约定每月租金为人民币_______________元整.
The agreed rental amount of both Parties is _______________RMB per month.
2) 租期由二00____年_____月______日起至二00____年_____月______日止,为期____月。
The tenancy continue from ________(day)________(month)________(year) to _________(day)_________(month)________(year).
3) 入住前乙方预付房租______月,以后每次预付房租______月,付款日为上次预付房租到期日的前十天。如超过付款日未付,本合同自然终结并由乙方支付违约金。
Party B agrees to pay _____month(s) rent before moving in. In future, Party B agrees to pay next _____month(s) rent ten days before the day on which the rent paid last time is out of date. Should payment of the rent be delayed more than ten days this contract ends and Party B should pay for not obeying this contract.

Refundable security deposit and other fees
1) 甲乙双方约定,甲方交付该房屋时,乙方应向甲支付房屋租赁保证金。保证金为人民币___________元整。甲方收到保证金后应向乙方开具收款凭证。
Both Parties agree that Party B shall pay to Party A a refundable rental security deposit when Party A shells out the house. The refundable security deposit is ___________RMB. Party A shall issue a receipt to Party B after receiving the refundable security deposit.
2) 租赁期间,该房屋的水、电、煤气、电话费、有线电视费、清扫费由乙方支付。因帐单过期未付,造成的罚金由乙方承担。
Party B agrees to make full payment of fees for water, electricity, gas, telephone, television and cleaning during the lease period. The fine caused by the delay of payment should be paid by Party B.
3) 物业管理费用由______方支付。
The fee for the building management should be paid by Party ______.

Party B agrees to abide by the following terms to Party A
1) 乙方不得在该房屋内从事任何违法事情,否则,甲方有权终止本合同。
Party B must not do any illegal action in the house. Otherwise, Party A has the right to end this contract.
2) 未经甲方同意,乙方不得将承租的房屋转租和分租。否则,甲方有权终止本合同。
Not to sub-let or part with the possession of the rental house without the agreement of Party A. Otherwise, Party A has the right to end this contract.
3) 保持该房屋内部或公用部位的整洁。未经甲方同意,乙方不得改变该房屋的任何结构。否则,甲方有权终止本合同并要求乙方承担恢复原状所需费用。
Keep the inner house clean. Not to change any structure of the house without the agreement of Party A. Otherwise, Party A has the right to end this contract and demand Party B to pay the fee for resuming the former structure.
4) 小心使用甲方之固定装置及设备,任何物件损坏时(正常损坏除外),甲方得向乙方收取修理或更换费用将其更换。
Be careful of the stable facilities and devices provided by Party B. Party A should ask Party B to pay for the repairing or renewing when any facility is damaged, other than normal wear and tear.
5) 不得影响邻居的正常生活和妨碍他人。
Not to disturb the neighbors and their life.

Party A agrees to abide by the following terms to Party B
1) 负责办理套房维修。
To be responsible for any repairs required by the house.
2) 协助提供有关的办公和生活便利。
Assist to provide the referred facilities for officing and living.
3) 如乙方未违反合同条款,在合同结束并清帐后由甲方将保证金退回乙方。
Give the refundable security deposit back to Party B after the contract ends if Party B obey all the terms.

Party A and Party B agree to abide by the following terms
1) 本合同到期前三十天以书面通知对方合同按期终结。如需延长合同,双方应书面认可。
Give written notice to the other Party thirty days before the expiry of the contract. Both Parties should have written agreement if the lease is renewed.
2) 甲乙双方均应对本合同书重要内容保守秘密,非经他方同意不得泄露无关之他人。
Both Parties should keep the important part of this contract secret. Not to reveal it to others without the agreement of the other Party.
3) 在合同期间任何一方违约,应承担违约金人民币__________元(因不可抗拒之原因违约除外)。
Either Party that disobey the terms should pay _________RMB during the lease period(not including the reason that can not be restricted).
4) 本合同依中华人民共和国有关法律拟定,如有未尽事宜,双方得拟书面协议或依有关法令解释。
This contract is entered in accordance with the laws of the People’s Republic of China. Any extra matter shall be referred to the agreement of both Parties or explanation of concerned laws.
5) 本合同一式三份,甲乙双方各执一份,经甲乙双方签字后即生效,另一份由中介保留。
There are three originals of this contract. Party A, Party B and the representative agent will each hold one copy. The contract should be obeyed after it is signed.
6) 本合同有中英两种版本,如两种文本有所不符,以中文为准。
The contract is written in both English and Chinese however should any dispute arise the Chinese version shall prevail.

Supplementary terms__________________________________________________________

甲方 乙方
Party A Party B

Representative agent
签名或盖章 日期
(Sign or Seal) (Date)

Below are those should submitted to party B:
Electricity gauge displays:________
Water gauge displays currently:________
Gas gauge displays currently:__________

衣橱 Cabinets
床 Bed
床头柜 Side Set ______
梳妆台 Making up desk ______
写字台 desk ______
沙发 sofa ______
餐桌 dinning table ______
电视柜 TV stand ______
电视 Television ______
DVD/VCD ______
音响组合 Hi-Fi equipment ______
茶几 tea table ______
洗衣机 washer ______
甩干机 dryer ______
取暖机 Heater Fan ______
冰箱 refrigerator ______
微波炉 micro wave oven ______
电话 telephone ______
消毒柜 cleaning device ______
电烤箱 oven ______
空调 air conditioner ______
其他 Other ______________________________________________________


没什么难的 主要还是看你们双方都要认可 注意措辞要准确 有什么都要些清楚 口头上的东西没用的

