你能介绍你平时都喜欢做些什么吗?
what
do
you
like
to
do?
-好的,我喜欢唱英文歌和运动,唱歌是我最感兴趣的。
well,
like
english
songs
and
spotrs,
and
singing
is
my
favorites
-你结婚了吗?有女朋友吗?
are
you
married
or
do
you
have
a
girl
friend?
-我没有结婚,也没有女朋友。
No,
have
no
wife
or
girl
friend.
-在船上你会想念你的家人吗?
will
you
miss
your
family
at
the
ship?
-是的,我会!不过我认为男人应该以事业为重,把工作做好了才是给家人最好的回报
absolutely
do!
But
think
a
man
should
work
hard
for
his
family.
and
this
is
the
best
gift
for
them.
-你对未来有什么计划,有没有想过去做驾驶员(officer)?
tell
me
something
about
the
plan
of
your
future.
do
you
want
to
be
an
officer?
-做驾驶员我倒没有想过,对我来说我的年龄也不小了,读驾驶员要花费我很多时间,再读几年书都成了中年人了,我的计划就是在船上好好干,如果能做水手长(bosun)也是不错的.
sorry,
i
never
think
i
would
be
an
officer.
it
would
take
me
a
lot
of
time
to
get
the
certificate.
and
i'm
not
young
when
i
get
it.
my
plan
is
to
work
hard
at
the
ship.
if
possible,
i
hope
i
could
be
a
bosun
someday.
-你的爸爸和你的妈妈是做什么的?
what
do
your
parents
do?
-我爸爸是送货员,我妈妈是工厂是职工.
my
father
is
a
delivery
man
and
my
mom
work
in
a
factory.
-你家有几个孩子?
do
you
have
any
brothers
or
sisters?
-只有我一个.
no,
only
me.
-船上的工作是非常辛苦的,你在船上能吃苦吗?
it
would
be
difficult
at
the
ship,
you
sure
you
can
do
it?
-当然,我既然选择了这个职业,我就已经做好了吃苦的准备!
yes,
i
choose
and
i
prepare.
-在船上生活也是很艰苦的,船上没有中国菜,可能还会2个人同住一个房间,你能适应吗?
Life
is
not
easy
at
the
ship.
no
chinese
dishes,
and
maybe
you
have
to
room
with
another
man.
-我能,吃吃新口味,很好啊,2个人同住在一起,下班了有个人聊天也是不错的.
no
problem.
i
like
taste
different
dishes.
As
the
room,
it
would
not
be
boring
because
i
can
talk
with
my
colleague.
-你晕船吗?
Do
you
get
seasick?
-我不晕船.
No,i
don't
======================================================
哥们面试吗?做水手是爷们哈!而且为了自己的家人肯吃苦,不错!