请问 hard HRM 和 soft HRM是什么,有相关资料吗

请问 hard HRM 和 soft HRM是什么,有相关资料吗
2024-12-28 12:12:15

HRM就是人力资源管理系统(Human Resource Management),人力资源管理是现代企业发展和成功的重要因素。“人力资源”之所以区别于“人事”,首先在于人力资源管理的工作范围远比人事管理大,比如原来的人事管理的职责是薪资计算与发放、员工档案管理、员工入司与离退休管理等; 而人力资源管理的职责范围还包括有效招聘、绩效考核、培训与发展、员工关系和激励等。

Hard HRM是人力资源管理的基础功能,包括:劳动力规划,职务分析,招募招聘,保险补偿,业绩评估,劳动合同,劳动法等。(可以理解为招人办手续)
Soft HRM是人力资源管理的高级功能,诸如组织开发,矛盾管理,人力资源培训,领导力开发,企业文化,团队建设等。(招到人后的人力工作)

HRM is an essential and vital function for organizational success. Areas within HRM like Manpower planning, Job analysis, Selection and Recruitment, Compensation and Benefits, Performance evaluations, Contract negotiations and Labor legislations are parts of hard HRM - whereas functions like Organizational development, conflict management, human resource education, leadership development, organizational culture, and relationship building are components of soft HRM. The hard HRM can be catogorized as the basic functions and soft HRM as advanced functions. In today's knowledge economy, where human capital determines the growth and success of an organization, both hard and soft HRM are significant.
