
2024-12-12 17:20:50

人是有着两张面孔的 People have two-sided faces
丑陋的那一面并不是你的全部 The ugly side is not all you have
重要的是,不要逃避面对自己 The important thing is, do not evade to face your ownself
正是有了两张面孔后,才成了人 with these two-sided face, you are called a human

人总是不断地向他人索求的 People always demand from others
得不到的时候,就会这怪对方 If can't get from others, he will blame
在这种时候,希望你能试着去给与 During this time, hope you can offer
这样就会看到一些,一味索求而无法看到的东西 Then you will see what can't you get while you are demanding

人生的道路上没有教科书 There is no syllabus in the life path
只要是自己决定的,那条路就是正确的 provided that it is your decision, then the road is a right way
但是,重要的是要有回头的勇气 But, the important thing is the courage to go back
因为人可以无数次从头来过 because people always can start all over again


There are two faces of
The ugly side of you is not all
It is important not to evade the face of their own
With two faces, became the only person

People tend to keep to the demands of others
Not, it will blame the other side
At such times, I hope you will try to give
This will see some, but not always demand to see things

Life on the road of no textbooks
As long as it is their own decision, that road is correct
However, the important thing is to have the courage to go back
Because people can start all over again many times