Pirates of the Caribbean is a series of adventure films directed by Gore Verbinski, written by Ted Elliott and Terry Rossio and produced by Jerry Bruckheimer. They are based on a Walt Disney theme park ride of the same name, and follow the pirate Captain Jack Sparrow, portrayed by Johnny Depp. The trilogy was first released on the big screen on July 9, 2003 with Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl. After the unexpected success of the first film, Walt Disney Pictures revealed that a trilogy was in the works. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest was released three years later on July 7, 2006. The sequel proved to be very successful, breaking records worldwide the day of its premiere. In the end it acquired a total of $1,066,179,725 at the worldwide box office, becoming the third and fastest film to reach this amount. The last film in the trilogy, Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End was released worldwide on May 24, 2007. Altogether, the film franchise has grossed over $2.79 billion worldwide. In September 2008, Johnny Depp signed for a new movie in the franchise, expected to be released in 2012.
The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)
Main article: Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
Elizabeth Swann, daughter of the Governor of Jamaica, is kidnapped by the crew of the Black Pearl, led by Captain Hector Barbossa, in order to release a curse placed on them after stealing Aztec gold. Blacksmith Will Turner, a friend of Elizabeth who is also in love with her, persuades pirate captain Jack Sparrow to help him in the rescue.
Dead Man's Chest (2006)
Main article: Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
Lord Cutler Beckett, a powerful and ruthless East India Trading Company agent, arrests Will and Elizabeth for aiding Jack Sparrow's escape. Beckett however offers clemency if Will agrees to search for Sparrow and his magical compass. At the same time, Sparrow tries to release himself from an old debt with villainous Davy Jones.
At World's End (2007)
Main article: Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
Cutler Beckett gains power over Davy Jones, and with the help of Jones' ship, The Flying Dutchman, is now executing his plans to extinguish piracy. To combat the East India Trading Company, the crew of the Black Pearl goes rescuing Jack Sparrow from Davy Jones' Locker, because he is one of the nine pirate lords needed to summon an ancient goddess.
As detailed in The Art of the Pirates of the Caribbean, the proposed story for the fourth film was for Sparrow and Barbossa to meet up in the newly founded New Orleans, before they sail to find the Fountain of Youth together.Johnny Depp signed on to return in September 2008,and Ted Elliott and Terry Rossio began writing under the guidance of producer Jerry Bruckheimer. The film is set for release in 2012.
Geoffrey Rush has expressed interest in returning as Barbossa.Gore Verbinski feels that "the big danger is diminishing the brand [...] it would have to be a tale worthy of telling" for him to return. If the director returned, he noted that "I would start fresh and focus on the further adventures of Captain Jack Sparrow." Unlike the previous films, he will not do it without a complete script. Keira Knightley has stated that she does not wish to continue playing her character of Elizabeth Swann as she wants to do different projects.