
2024-12-30 05:17:42

关键词:会计造假案件 虚假财务报告 会计诚信
共0条评论... Abstract: cultural and moral integrity is the core of a market economy in the area of a basic code of conduct and integrity of accounting is accounting for each of the employees must comply with the code of conduct. Accounting integrity is of great importance to the country has a mechanism for education, Premier Zhu Rongji told the Beijing National Accounting Institute "honesty, integrity above everything else, follow the guidelines, not false," as a motto, as the future of the accounting staff, in its request Schools must accept the integrity of education and establish a concept of "good faith" as a personal attitude, not accounting firm. This article will be based on a typical case - Enron's accounting fraud cases in China and the relevant accounting fraud case against the current social faced by the lack of integrity of the accounting aspects of the systematic analysis, and proposed a reasonable solution so as to inhibit similar Accounting fraud cases.
Key words: accounting fraud cases, false accounting report integrity of the financial
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