求:一篇英文文章,要带翻译的!还要付有一段600字以上的中文赏析!! 主要对对该篇文章翻译手法的评论介绍!急!

2024-12-14 13:56:36


D·H·劳伦斯(David Herbert Lawrence, 1885—1930) 是英国现
代小说家, 其小说多以矿区生活为素材。劳伦斯认为机械文明扭曲
了人性, 摧毁了乡村的自然之美, 主张让人的本能得到充分发挥, 使
人性臻于完美。他注重对人物精神世界的细腻刻画, 把富有诗意的
自然意象如彩虹、 百合等与人的心理活动相结合。请欣赏他的杰作
《儿子与情人》 中的几个片段:
For a while she could not control her consciousness; mechanically she went over the
last scene, then over it again, certain phrases, certain moments coming each time like
a brand red-hot down on her soul; and each time she enacted again the past hour, each
time the brand came down at the same points, till the mark was burnt in, and the pain
burnt out, and at last she came to herself.
cally 意为 “机械地、 呆板地” , 与上句中 could not control her consciousness (不能控制思绪) 相照
应。went over 原指 “仔细检查、 从头到尾温习” , 此处指莫尔太太回忆刚才吵架的情景。over it
[the last scene] again 与前文 mechanically相呼应, 说明她不由自主地又回想起刚才的情景, 无法
摆脱愤怒的情绪。为了形象地再现这种痛苦的程度, 劳伦斯用了一个鲜明的比喻: 吵架的话语和
时刻就像炽热的烙铁( a brand red-hot)印在她心上。enact 原指 “扮演戏剧中的某一个角色” , 此处
指她再次回忆刚才争吵时的情景, 照应前文中的 could not control her consciousness 和 mechani-
cally。be burnt in 指伤痕已经深深地印在心里; be burnt out 原指 “烧完” , 此处指痛苦化为一缕青
烟, 只剩下空虚的心, 和 be burnt in 形成对照。
这段文字在结构方面还有两点值得注意。首先, 这一段由一个长句组成, 恰如人气愤时思绪
一个接着一个, 没有任何间断, 而且此时思绪往往是简单机械的重复, over、 brand、 burnt 等关键词
的重复就体现了这一点。第二, 长句中前后呼应的结构与内容所描写的意象相辅相成。could not
control her consciousness 与 mechanically相呼应, 而 went over 与 over it again 相呼应。分句中都用
each time 来引导, 层层深入地剖析了她痛苦的内心世界。请看译文:
她一时控制不住自己的思绪, 大脑开始机械地回忆起刚才争吵的一幕, 一遍又一遍。
每次想起那些伤害的话语和那些痛苦的时刻, 就像一块通红的烙铁在灼烙她的心。每
次她想起刚才的情景, 这块烙铁都落在同样的地方, 直到痛苦化为一缕青烟, 心中留下
She hurried out of the side garden to the front, where she could stand as if in an immense
gulf of white light, the moon streaming high in face of her, the moonlight standing up from
the hills in front, and filling the valley ..
这段文字描写莫尔太太在月光下发现自然之美。an immense gulf of white light 形容银色的月
光像宽阔的海湾; gulf指两边高、 中间低的形状, 此处指月光从两排楼房中间照射进来; stream
形容月光像流动的溪水倾泻而下, 与 gulf呼应; up 给人一种立体感, 仿佛月光就在眼前。请看
她急忙走出侧面花园到了前面, 宛如置身于一大片银色月光的海湾。眼前高空的
明月倾泻着银光, 月光仿佛直立于眼前的群山之上, 泻满整个山谷 ⋯⋯
She became aware of something about her. With an effort she roused herself to see what
it was that penetrated her consciousness. The tall white lilies were reeling in the moonlight,
and the air was charged with their perfume, as with a presence. ... Then she drank a deep
draught of the scent. It almost made her dizzy.
这段文字描写莫尔太太摆脱痛苦, 感受到自然带来的愉悦。roused herself to (使自己觉醒, 唤
醒自我) 暗示莫尔太太飘忽不定的思绪, 与前文 she could not control her consciousness 相呼应;
penetrate 指百合的芳香悄悄渗透到莫尔太太的心中; reel 原指 “卷起、 绕起(电线、 钢丝等)” , 此处
形象地再现了洁白的百合花在月光下摇曳起舞的样子; be charged with 形容空中弥漫着芬芳;
presence 指 “神灵般的存在物” ; drank a deep draught of the scent 意为“深深地吸进一口气” ; dizzy
意为 “头晕目眩的” 。请看译文:
她开始感到周围有什么东西, 努力打起精神, 想看清楚是什么在袭入她的内心。银
色月光下婷婷玉立的白百合花在摇曳, 空气中弥散着浓郁的花香, 就像精灵一样⋯⋯于
是, 她深深地吸入一口花香, 感觉脑子有些晕乎乎的。
最后, 让我们再看一段:
Mrs. Morel leaned on the garden gate, looking out, and she lost herself awhile. She did
not know what she thought. Except for a slight feeling of sickness, and her consciousness in
the child, herself melted out like scent into the shiny, pale air. After a time the child, too,
melted with her in the mixing-pot of moonlight, and she rested with the hills and lilies and
houses, all swum together in a kind of swoon.
这段文字描写莫尔太太在自然的抚慰下渐渐忘掉伤痛, 融入周围的美景之中。she did not
know what she thought 与前文 she could not control her consciousness(难以摆脱痛苦)不同, 说明她
不知不觉融入了大自然的美景中, 忘却了痛苦的存在。这体现了劳伦斯的基本思想: 自然之美可
以抚慰心灵的创伤, 净化并升华人类世俗的情感。her consciousness in the child 说明她与儿子之
间的特殊之爱, 为后文母子深情埋下伏笔。melted out like scent into the shiny, pale air 描写美丽的
自然景色涤荡她心中的郁闷, 她像花香一样融入夜空中。the mixing-pot of moonlight 指皎洁的月
光倾泻在万物之上: 百合、 香气、 群山、 房屋、 莫尔太太和腹中的胎儿全都融为一体, swum 与前文
gulf 相呼应, 表示她同万物自由地畅游其中, 心醉神迷( swoon) , 这正是大自然慰籍受伤心灵的良
莫尔太太靠在花园门上向外张望, 愣了一会儿。她思绪飘忽不定, 感到有点不对劲,
也跟她一起融入其中。群山、 百合、 房子和她一起在休憩,万物似乎共同徜徉在沉睡中。





I have a few observations:

1, Zhou Zhenglong is not a part of the honest people and undermined China's desire for the farmers, honest, part of the image.

2, Zhou Zhenglong in the local government for lying, and the threat of administrative, benefits under the temptation to insist on lying in the end.

3, Zhou Zhenglong is a smart and intelligent anti-misuse of been the puppet, and the Commissioner grams, Wu Ping, the County Forestry Bureau, deputy head of the fixed tube station is like puppets behind the line; line to the real people who are the local government And even some of the people involved Ministry of Forestry.

In short Zhou Zhenglong is a poor clown!

The following are relevant:

After a large number of networks and civil investigations, has been let get to the bottom of the truth, the public still would like to see the ultimate authority of the government departments confirmed that the end of the event required under the nail, "a final nail." If the picture is fake, false and that the process of how and who participated in the forgery, counterfeiting will be what kind of punishment, all this depends on "wishy-washy" can not be obscured. The public would have welcomed the State Forestry Administration the authority to speak to the incident to an end, the result is disappointing people.

Endless farce to go on this way, the only ones who suffer most are the credibility of the Government - Unfortunately, the State Forestry Administration has given up one to save the credibility of the government.


1) I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.

2) No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.

3) The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them.

4) Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.

5) To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.

6) Don't waste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on you.

7) Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.

8) Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.

9) Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.
英文:Rice richly contains 75-95% carbohydrates (majority being starch), and also contains protein, fat, vitamins and minerals. Using rice to process starch sugar is the prepartion process of starch sugar that makes full of use of starch-rich rice that undergoes hydrolysis using biological enzymes. Starch is widely used in food processing and other industries. Market conditions in China indicate that the starch sugar industry has been rapidly developing in recent years with annual growth rates of nearly 20%. Changes in China's domestic output are shown in the table below: There are various types of starch sugar. Each type again has different product varieties. Different product varieties have different sugar composition. Therefore, its characteristics (such as sweetness, viscosity, solubility, crystallinity, hygroscopicity, metabolizing function, osmotic pressure, lowering of freezing point, chemical stability, fermented oxidation resistance, etc.) are also varied. Different species of starch sugar are also different in terms of food applications. Its syrup class is used on toffee candies to moderate their tastes and sweetnesses and to improve their anti-granularization, anti-coalescence and moisturization characteristics, and on hard candies to increase their transparency levels for a longer storage period. When use in liquid drinks, they can increase the drinks' sweetnesses and the concentration of solid (powdered) substances so as to eliminate undesirable odours. To freshen the tastes of products with an accompaniment of a special malt flavor, malted milk is the primary raw material for powdered drink. When use in beer, fermentable and sugar-stable wort can be extracted for improving gravity levels, and parts or the whole of the wort extracted can then be used to replace rice to simplify the production techniques, reduce the manufacturing costs and improve the overall saccharification capabilities of the plant. On top of that, these substances are also widely applied in industries such as canning, jam, jelly, fermentation, pharmaceutical, and tobacco. Following is a simple illustration of the technical processes that use rice as the raw materials for manufacturing sugar starch.

10) Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.
淀粉糖种类繁多,每一种类又有不同的产品品种,不同的产品品种具有不同的糖分组成,因此它的性质(如甜度、粘度、溶解度、结晶性、吸湿性、代谢性、渗透压、冰点降低、化学稳定性、发酵性抗氧化性等方面)也就不尽相同。淀粉糖的不同品种在食品中的应用又有所区别,该淀粉糖浆用于糖果可使奶糖的口味柔和,甜度适中,抗砂,抗烊,保湿性好,可使硬糖透明度高,货贮期长。用于饮料可增加甜味和固形物浓度,消除异味。使产品口感清爽,并伴有特有的麦芽风味,是固体饮料麦乳精的主要原料。用于啤酒可获得可发酵性糖稳定的麦汁,提高麦汁糖度,部分或全部取代大米,简化生产工艺,减低生产成本。全面提升糖化车间能力。另外在罐头、果酱、果冻、发酵、医药、烟草等 多种行业都有广泛地应用。

