方文山送过报纸,Vincent used to send newspaper,
做过外劳中介、serve as an agency of foreign labors,
安装管线工。install pipelines.
因热爱文字和电影,because he loves writing and movies,
他将百来首歌词寄各大唱片公司,He sent hundreds of lyrics to major record companies simply,
直到被吴宗宪发掘并赏识,until he was discovered and appreciated by Jacky Wu
成为周杰伦最佳拍档,进入华语流行音乐界。Jay Chou has become the best partner to enter the Chinese pop music.
歌词创作具有浓郁的民族风味,The lyrics create the nation is rich in flavor,
歌词充满画面,Lyrics full of images,
文字剪接宛如电影场景般,Text editing the film like a scene like that,
这是他作品的最大特色;This is the most significant feature of his work;
其自成一格的歌词创作,Its lyrics sui generis creation,
在传统歌词创作的领域中,独树一帜。His lyrics are unique in the traditional lyric writing field.
Fang Wenshan been sent to the newspaper, made an intermediary foreign workers, pipeline installation work. As a result of the letter and love movies, he would send a hundred lyrics to the first major record companies until they were discovered and appreciated by Jacky Wu, Jay Chou has become the best partner to enter the Chinese pop music. The lyrics create the nation is rich in flavor, and lyrics full of pictures, text editing the film like a scene like this is the most significant feature of his work; its sui generis creation of the lyrics in the traditional areas of creative lyrics, unique.
Wenshan Fang used to send newspaper, serve as an agency of foreign labors, install pipelines. He sent hundreds of lyrics to major record companies simply because he loves writing and moving. He did not become the best partner of Jay Zhou and enter the Chinese pop music field before discovered and favored by Zongxian Wu. His lyrics have a rich tradition style and are full of animated figures. His editing of words are just like movie frames. This is the biggest characteristic of his prodution. His lyrics are unique in the traditional lyric writing field.