(中国)明朝 罗贯中 著
宴桃园豪杰三结义 斩黄巾英雄首立功
作者在创作《三国演义》时有意让人物一出场便确定其基本性格特征,而后则在故事情节 的叙述中,再通过人物自身及他人言行的“显示”加以强化,使其性格特征在叙事形态的外 在层面上少有逆向或多重变化,呈线性稳定发展趋势。定型化表现在小说主要人物的出场上 ,具有定形、定性、定行的程式化特点。这一程式化的运用对小说文本的结构形态产生的辐 射功能和在叙事操作中形成调动读者期待效应的审美张力,有着不可忽视的重要作用。
In 1368, the military leader of the peasant uprising to overthrow Zhu Yuan Yuan Dynasty and the establishment of the Ming Dynasty. Nanjing, capital of the Ming period, in 1405 helped seize the throne of the Ming Chengzu eunuch Zheng He's voyages to western ordered to seven, who arrived in the Indian Ocean, Southeast Asia and Africa, but the Ming Dynasty gradually closed-door policy. In 1421, the Ming Dynasty moved the capital Beijing. Culture-Ming Wang Yangming emerged, Li Zhi, and other thinkers, as well as the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", "Outlaws of the Marsh", "Journey to the West" and "Golden Lotus" and other novels. As the dissolute emperor of the Ming Dynasty eunuch without Road, together with political chaos, in 1627, farmers in the late Ming large outbreak of the intifada, in 1644, uprising leader Li Zicheng capture Beijing, the Ming were hanging, the demise of the Ming Dynasty. Secretary of the South has support from the Chinese Song Fukuo (Hiromitsu), Zhu Yu Tang Jian (Wu Long), by Zhu Gui WANG palm (Yongli) for the Timor, known as the South Ming, as a result of the ultimate strength and lack of political infighting, is still strong at the time of the Qing Dynasty out .
The late Ming dynasty, living in northeast China's Manchu began to flourish, finally Beijing to capture Li Zicheng in 1644, shortly after the expulsion of Li Zicheng entered Beijing, established the Qing Dynasty, Zheng Jiu Chen Ming Dynasty at the time the south island of Taiwan and the Netherlands, where the expulsion of Colonizers, and later took over the armed forces of the Qing Dynasty. In the Qing Dynasty, after half a century has succeeded in conquering a number of areas such as Xinjiang, Tibet, Mongolia and Taiwan. Kangxi period, the Ching court and Russia also in the areas of Heilongjiang war, in the final signing of the armistice treaty in 1689 - the "Sino-Russian treaty Nerchinsk." Do so because of the Qing Dynasty abolished the poll tax led to increase in population, to the 19th century was the world's population has reached one-third of the population increase at that time to promote the prosperity of agriculture, for the first time the world powers, to 1820 when China The total economic output accounted for one-third of the world.
However, in the early 19th century, the trend has been the decline of the Qing Dynasty, Jiaqing in the years after another outbreak of the White Lotus Society, Tianli Jiao large-scale uprising. At the same time, sea power Britain, the Netherlands and Portugal were all forced to start trade with China. Britain in 1787 China began to import opium, leading to China's international trade by the huge surplus into a deficit. Ching enacted in 1815 in search of opium Yang Chuan constitution, but the ban on British continues to ignore the large number of smuggling opium, the emperor had to light in 1838 sent to Guangzhou Lin smoking. In June 1839 to 2,370,000 in Duojin Humen Opium Destruction, known as Humenxiaoyan. Therefore the British Government in June 1840 launched the Opium War, the beginning of the modern history of China