
2025-02-01 19:40:26

英文:give me your love tonight


C:这一位 扮繁忙 未说过 二月里 这一天 预备抽空见我
但我喜欢等 不管最后如何 早清楚他当我什么
G:这一位 早已经 预约我 我奉劝 他归家 等结果

若我这一天 竟然 和他一起过 亦是 坎坷

* C:今晚我爱的人 在散心 可惜我太不幸
没有份 而他此际可能和情人拥吻
G:偏偏爱我的人没有等 彷佛那个丘比特是有心
何解我约的人 突然全部都躲开我 T:榨不出一滴吻

C: 这一位 不理啋 但我爱 就像我喜欢他
是为他不理我 受过我几多苦 始终满面详和
这苦心 改变过 什么
G: 这一位不够好 但爱我 我耐性 比起他 怎算多
若觉 得孤单 走回头等他亲我 T: 份外 凄楚

Repeat *

C:何解他要等 等不到我 G: 而他不等我 又在苦等
T: 今晚我爱的人 在散心 可惜我太不幸 没有份
如果佳节不能 和情人拥吻 情愿这晚快过快熄灯
G: 偏偏爱我的人 没有等 C: 彷佛那个邱比特 是有心
T: 人拣我 我拣人 突然全部都不拣我 让今晚 隔外暗

give me your love tonight

come to me ,i love you can you see
why do you turn your back,pretending not to hear.
still i wish someday,i'll make you turn my way
in my arms you stay

valentine is such a special day
can i have your love just today
if she ask you i want you tell her please to wait
just for one day

give me your love tonight, just tonight
when all my sads tomorrow's out of sight
give me your kiss tonight like a lovers do
in the morning i'll be on my way

take what i give tonight, just tonight
missing him on my pillow hold me tight
take what i give tonight,cause our love has no sweet tomorrow
so take me what you can

take my hand,i love can you see
why do you turn your head,pretending not to see
still i wish someday,i'll make you turn my way
in my arms you stay

i love you ,i miss you everyday
can i have your love just today
if she ask you I want you tell her pleased to wait
just for one day

give me your love tonight, just tonight
when all my sads tomorrow's out of sight
give me your kiss tonight like a lovers do
in the morning i'll be on my way

take what i give tonight, just tonight
missing him on my pillow hold me tight
take what i give tonight,cause our love has no sweet tomorrow
so take me what you can

forever i wait,wait for the day
the day that you say ,say that you say
give me your love tonight, just tonight
when all my sads tomorrow's out of sight
give me your kiss tonight like a lovers do
in the morning i'll be on my way

take what i give tonight, just tonight
missing him on my pillow hold me tight
take what i give tonight,cause our love has no sweet tomorrow
so take me what you can


Everbody Jump
FishesFishes Where Are You
Froggie Froggie
Goodbye To You
How Do You Do?
How Much
I Had A Little Nut Tree
I Have Got Six Pence
Our School Will Shine
Ring A Ring Of Roses
Starry Skies
Sunny Day
Table And Chair
The More We Get Together
The Three Little Kittens
The Train
Three Blind Mice
To The Circus
When I Was A Young Girl
Are You Sleeping
By The Beach
Can Tou Tell Me What This Is
Cuckoo Clock
Did You Ever See A Lassie
Ding Dong Bell
Donkey Donkey
Follow Me
Good Morning To You
Hide And Seek
I Have Two Hands
I’ve Got No Strings
Merry Go Round
On The Way To School
Ten Green Bottles
The Hokey Pokey
The Library
The Music Room
Five Little Ducks
Happy Birthday
Hello,How Do You Do
I Went To School One Morning
If You Are Happy
Jingle Bells
London Bridge Is Falling Down
Long Long Ago
Mary Had A Little Lamb
My Bonnie
Red River Valley
Skip To My Lou
Ten Little Inidan Boys
The Farmer In The Dell
The Muffin Man
The Mulberry Bush
This Is The Way
This Old Man
You’re My Sunshine
A For Apple B For Boy
Five Little Ducks
Happy Birthday
Hello,How Do You Do
I Went To School One Morning
If You Are Happy
Jingle Bells
London Bridge Is Falling Down
Long Long Ago
Mary Had A Little Lamb
My Bonnie
Red River Valley
Skip To My Lou
Ten Little Inidan Boys
The Farmer In The Dell
The Muffin Man
The Mulberry Bush
This Is The Way
This Old Man
You’re My Sunshine


中文名是爱情突击,英文名If you are happy


there was a farmer had a dog, and bingo was his name, oh!
b-i-n-g-o! b-i-n-g-o! b-i-n-g-o!
and bingo was his name, oh!
there was a farmer had a dog, and bingo was his name, oh!
i-n-g-o! i-n-g-o! i-n-g-o!
and bingo was his name, oh!
there was a farmer had a dog, and bingo was his name, oh!
n-g-o! n-g-o! n-g-o!
and bingo was his name, oh!
there was a farmer had a dog, and bingo was his name, oh!
g-o! g-o! g-o!
and bingo was his name, oh!
there was a farmer had a dog, and bingo was his name, oh!
o! o! o!
and bingo was his name, oh!
there was a farmer had a dog, and bingo was his name, oh!
and bingo was his name, oh!
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