
2024-12-02 12:02:13



The development and formation of a system of higher education, the university, is one of the greater contributions of the European Middle Ages to the world. In 5th century B.C., following the fall of the Roman Empire, Hellenic and Roman classical culture rapidly declined. Roman cities collapsed, as did the educational institutes of old. The Germanic kingdoms ruling western Europe were only beginning to rise from barbarianism from a state of ignorance. The Roman Catholic Church became the instrument for the keeping and spreading of classical knowledge. Under the efforts of the Church, monasteries were built. In the beginning of the Middle Ages, education was limited to the clergy and those under royal service, the level of education at that of basic knowledge.

From the end of the 11th century to the 13th century, following the gradual revival of crafts, agriculture, and trade, towns were reappearing. With the development of the town into the city, Western Europe began to connect with other areas. People's thoughts began to broaden, and at this time, clerical schools could not keep up with the demands of society. Therefore, universities began to appear in cities. It symbolized a new period in European history, and its appearance was inseparable from the historical and cultural conditions.

The Crusades and diaspora of European culture paved the road for the birth of the university. Through the Crusades, Europeans learned advanced Byzantine and Islamic knowledge, and brought that knowledge in the form of books back to European. Many scholars translated these classical works from Greek and Arabic into Latin. Thus, Europeans began achieve a new comprehension of classical works, such as Hipporate's and Galen's medical works. Also, certain exemplary Islamic accomplishments in literature, chemistry, astronomy, and medicine were brought into Europe. This greatly influenced scholars in Western Europe, and provided the needed condition for the establishment of the university and subjects of study.


中世纪的大学及其成就 중세기의 대학과 공적

대학 이런고등교육제도의 형성과 발전은 아프리카에서 세계문명대해 세계문화에 획기적인 중대한공헌이다.
공원5세기에 서로마제국 서거와함께,
시라와 로마의 찬란한 고전문화가 빠른속도로 쇠퇴됨에따라,
로마시기의 도시는 대부분 완전히쇠퇴되였다,
고대의 각정문화교육기관은 거의 완전히 없어졌다.
서아프리카 각지구를통지하는 각개barbaric왕국은 방금 원시상태에서 분리되였다,
문화 교육방면에서는 아직도 하나도없다,
이때 로마 기독교회가 고대문화를맡은 선전자로되였다.
교회의 노력으로 점차적으로 수도원학교들이 나타났다.
모든 중세기초때 문화교육은 기본적으로 교회와 궁전에만 복무되였다,
교육수평도 기본지식만을 가르쳤다.

从11世纪末到13世纪,随着手工业与农业的分离和商业的逐渐活跃,11세기말과13세기에 수공업과 농업의분리와 상업이 점차적으로 활기를 띄게되였다,
다시 새로운 수공업과 상업도시가 나타났다.
도시가 발달함에따라 서아프리카와 다른국가들지간의 왕래가 많아지기시작하였다,
사람들의 사상눈계도 이전보다 발전되였다,
이때의 교회학교는 이미 사회의 일반적인필요에대해 만족시킬수없었다,
때문에 점차적으로 도시의 대학이나타났다.
도시 대학의출생은 서아프리카의 문화역사를 상징하는 신시기의 시작이다,
그가 나타남이 당시의 력사문화조건과 또 분리할수없다.

십자군 동부탐험 및 문화수송은 대학을위해 길을닦았다.
십자군 동부탐험을통해 아프리카사람들은Byzantium의 높은문화와 아랍의 문화를 접촉하게되였다,

많은 학문적인 고전책 등을가져왔다,많은학자들은 고전문학과 아랍문학을 희라문과아랍문을 라틴어로 번역하였다.
여기로부터 중세기의 아프리카는 고전문화의 면모를 요해하기시작하였다,
례를들면은hipporates와galen의 의학제작등.
다음에는 많은 이슬란문화의 걸출한성적,
각정화학 천문학 의학방면의지식도 아프리카로 전달되였다.
이것은 당시 서아프리카의 학문계와 문화계에서 거창한 영향을주었다,이로하여 대학의 각학과가 형성됨에 조건을준비하였다.


The development and formation of a system of higher education, the university, is one of the greater contributions of the European Middle Ages to the world. In 5th century B.C., following the fall of the Roman Empire, Hellenic and Roman classical culture rapidly declined. Roman cities collapsed, as did the educational institutes of old. The Germanic kingdoms ruling western Europe were only beginning to rise from barbarianism from a state of ignorance. The Roman Catholic Church became the instrument for the keeping and spreading of classical knowledge. Under the efforts of the Church, monasteries were built. In the beginning of the Middle Ages, education was limited to the clergy and those under royal service, the level of education at that of basic knowledge.

From the end of the 11th century to the 13th century, following the gradual revival of crafts, agriculture, and trade, towns were reappearing. With the development of the town into the city, Western Europe began to connect with other areas. People's thoughts began to broaden, and at this time, clerical schools could not keep up with the demands of society. Therefore, universities began to appear in cities. It symbolized a new period in European history, and its appearance was inseparable from the historical and cultural conditions.

The Crusades and diaspora of European culture paved the road for the birth of the university. Through the Crusades, Europeans learned advanced Byzantine and Islamic knowledge, and brought that knowledge in the form of books back to European. Many scholars translated these classical works from Greek and Arabic into Latin. Thus, Europeans began achieve a new comprehension of classical works, such as Hipporate's and Galen's medical works. Also, certain exemplary Islamic accomplishments in literature, chemistry, astronomy, and medicine were brought into Europe. This greatly influenced scholars in Western Europe, and provided the needed condition for the establishment of the university and subjects of study.


The middle ages university and achievement the university this kind of higher education system's formation and the development are the European middle ages civilization to the world culture important contributions. the 5th century, along with west Roman Empire's demise, Greek, the Roman bright classical culture declined rapidly, the Roman time's city declined nearly completely, ancient times's each culture and education organization nearly was also nothing left. Rules Western Europe various areas each barbaric kingdom, because just was separated from the Primitive tribe condition, in the culture and education aspect is a blank, Rome Christian church had become by now the ancient civilization undertaker and the disseminator. In the church, presented some monastery school one after another diligently. In the entire middle ages' initial period, the culture and education basically limits serves for the church and the palace, the educational level also pauses in the elementary knowledge instruction. from 11 century's ends to the 13th century, along with the handicraft industry and the agricultural separation and commercial gradual enlivening, started to reappear the handicraft industry and the business center city. Along with the urban development, Western Europe started many with other area's communication, people's thought field of vision also compared to before also widened, this time, the Missionary school has been unable to satisfy the common custom society the need, therefore, presented the urban university gradually. The urban university's birth symbolizes a Western Europe culture history new time start, but its appearance was also and the historical culture condition then cannot separate. the crusade eastern expedition and the thing culture transportation emerged for the university paved the way. Through the crusade eastern expedition, the European contacted the high level Byzantium culture and the Arabic culture, has brought back to many academic ancient books, many scholars translated the classical literature and the Arabic literature by the Greek article and the Arabic for Latin. From this, middle ages Europe starts to understand the classical culture the appearance, like hipporates and galen medicine work and so on. Moreover, some Islam culture's outstanding achievement, each chemistry, the astronomy, the medicine aspect's knowledge also teaches other people Europe. This regarding at that time Western Europe's academic circle and the cultural circle was a tremendous influence, thus has prepared the condition for the university various disciplines' formation.


It is so complex~~