一般大家都把 Era 乐队的风格划到 "New Age" 也就是新世纪音乐,宁静、冥想、闲息的音乐
(New Age详细介绍: http://baike.baidu.com/view/5792.htm)
但其实 Era 远远不止New Age一种风格,就说楼主的这首歌 Sinofoni Deo, 不单是New Age。歌曲的开头先是凄美压抑的歌剧,然后才转变为轻快安逸心灵舒畅的(英语歌部分)流行 New Age 风格。好比黑暗的世界突现光明,长久被压迫的人们得到了解放。
前面这一段黑暗优美的歌剧,是所谓的"Gregorian chant",也就是"格列高利圣咏" (Gregorian chant详细介绍:http://baike.baidu.com/view/1625182.htm)
总结是 Era 乐队非常的复杂,绝对不能单单的划到一种风格里面去, 比如 New Age。Sinfoni Deo 这首歌就充分的体现了这点,其中有多种音乐风格的元素。流行Pop,New Age, 歌剧,Gregorian chant,还有古典乐,这些都体现在 Era 乐队的作品里面!
很明显是New Age
New Age (New Age Movement and New Age Spirituality) is a social collective phenomenon and a spiritual nature movement that seeks universal truth through the oneness of humanity. It combines aspects of spirituality, cosmology, esotericism, complementary and alternative medicine, various religious practices, and environmentalism. It is characterized by an eclectic and individual approach to spirituality with a general rejection of mainstream dogma and religion.
The term New Age refers to the coming Astrological Age of Aquarius.
The New Age Movement first appeared in the late 19th and early 20th Centuries, gained momentum in the 1960s and 1970s, strengthened in the 1980s, and organized with the Harmonic Convergence in 1987. New Age practices and philosophies are found among many diverse individuals from around the world and range from atheism and monotheism to classical pantheism, including naturalistic pantheism or panentheism.[citation needed].
The New Age Movement includes elements of older spiritual and religious traditions combined with science, particularly ecology, environmentalism, the Gaia hypothesis, and psychology. New Age practices and philosophies sometimes draw inspiration from major world religions: Buddhism, Chinese folk religion, Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, and Sufism; with particularly strong influences from East Asian religions, Gnosticism, Neopaganism, New Thought, Spiritualism, Universalism, and Western esotericism.[1]
New Age spirituality has led to a wide array of literature on the subject and an active niche market: books, New Age music, crafts, and services in alternative medicine are available at New Age stores, fairs, and festivals.
Additional phrases are used to describe The New Age Movement: Self Spirituality, New Spirituality, Mind-Body-Spirit,Cultural Creative, Everyone Is Equal, New Paradigm, and All Is One.