I am providing the additional information to the shipping company based on the information provided by the shipper. The shipper informed me that they have confirmed with the customer and have shown him the recipient's address. The original copy of the shipping note (?)has been printed and have been given to the shipper. If there is a need to amend the shipping note, there will be a surcharge of US$40 for the amendment fee and an additional RMB150 for the printing cost. Please confirm whether to proceed with the amendment.
I presented the documents to the shipping company according to what the shipper has provided. The shipper said the client confirmed that the address was correct. Now the original documents have been already printed, and forwarded to the shipper. Any eventual amendment of documents is subject to a amending charge of USD 40.00 plus reprinting charge of CNY 150.00. Please confirm if you need to amend the documents.
I have sent material to the shipping company in accordance with shipper's information, the shipper said they had confirmed to the customer about the address of the consignee. And now the original has been out of print to the shipper.
If change data will have 40 dollars fee for changing data and 150 RMB for re-printing.
Please confirm it is need change or not.
[我是英文老师, 请放心使用]
I am according the information provided by shipper to provide to the shipping company. Shipper said after the confirmation from the customer, and showing that the receiver address is correct. Also the original copy is printed out and also passed to the shipped. If there is any adjustment on the order will cause USD40 adjusting fee + RMB 150 printing fee. Please inform if you still need to adjust the order.
资料补料其实就是提单确认件:B/L SAMPLE
正本应该是正本提单:ORIGINAL B/L