
2025-01-01 08:03:40

标准翻译是 Remote City 沈从文《边城》

论文题 如

Biological Interpretation of Remote City by Shen Chongwen


Town of Phoenix( an ancient town in the western part of Hunan Province)



border town 边城.


接上贴:These issues explain the fascination with Shen Congwen's views of rural life, even if most critics agree that his greatest contribution to Chinese literature lies in his imagination,craftsmanship, and creation of one of the greatest Chinese prose styles of all time. In the late 1920s and 1930s, China's writers and social scientists "discovered "the Chinese peasant. The loudest literary critics and social ideologues, like their political leaders, were moved by conflict -based theories of class struggle and national survival: Marxism and nationalism left wing and right wing. Shen Congwen announced at the time that Border Town was a tribute to China's farmers and soldiers written in defiance of the ideologues. The Marxists who controlled China's intellectual scene in subsequent decades thought Border Town an insult to their ideas of rural class conflict.接上贴:这些话题表明了沈从文对农村生活的观察和描述让人们产生了很大的吸引力,尽管大部分的评论家都同意:他那算得上中国文学史上最杰出的散文之一的作品中表现出的丰富的想像力,纯熟的写作技巧和创作灵感,是对中国文学最大的贡献。从20世纪20年代末至30年代,中国的作家和社会学家“发掘”了中国农民作为主题。最有影响力的文学评论家和社会理论家,正如他们的政治领袖一样,信服于被马主义与民族主义左右翼分子所鼓吹的宣扬阶级斗争与民族救亡的一套矛盾论。就在那时,沈从文宣称《边城》是对书中公然违抗那些所谓的社会理论家的中国农民与士兵的致敬。随后统治中国思想文化领域长达几十年的马主义者认为边城是对他们所主张的农村阶级斗争的论述是一个冒犯。


The Remote Town