背单词,没别的方法,你单词不认识是没办法进步的,大量背单词,高考需要把4级的都背了。然后弄语法,把你课本的文章最好背下,我觉得对付高考就够了
学英语么无非是听说读写。但如果背觉得太烦的话,你就把课本上的课文读得很熟就行了,不一定要全部都背出来的。考试也无非是把所学的东西换个样子来考你,但其中的知识点还是那些,不会超出课本范围的。所以你吃定课本应该就没有多大的问题了。
1。IF
you
feel
t(ired),you
should
go
to
bed
early
2。Spring
festival
is
our
t(raditional)
festival
in
china
the
m(edicine
)and
you'll
feel
better
soon.
4。Our
english
teacher
b(elieve
)that
it's
important
to
read
English
every
morning
5。CHInese
medicine
is
different
from
w(estern
)medicine
6。I
did
my
homework
u(til
)
ll
o
clock
yesterday
evening
7。We
should
s(tay
)quiet
in
class
8。
We
often
see
things
with
our
e(yes
)
9。
How
are
you
feeling
at
the
m(oment
)
10。I
am
s(tressed
)out
because
we're
going
to
have
a
math
test
单项选择:
1。c
2。d
3。c
4。b
5.a
6。c
7。c
8。d
从II栏中找出I栏的应答语:
(b)1.When
you
are
tired,
(
e)2.If
you
are
hungry.
(
c)3.If
you
are
thirsty,
(d
)4.If
you
are
stressed
out,
(
a)5.When
you
have
a
stomachache,
A.You
should
lie
down
and
rest.
B.You
shouldn't
study,
C.You
can
drink
some
water.
D.You
may
listen
to
music.
E.You
should
eat
some
food.
不要把英语当成一种负担,在你和同学东拉西扯的时候坐上几道题或者被几个单词,积少成多,我们班就有人这么学,劳逸结合,结果是全校第一
外语只能靠积累的,除了勤奋没什么办法速成。