Firstly,Everything is an Expression in mathematica. Mathematical formulas, lists, and graphics, to name a few. Mathematica represents all of these things in one uniform way- expressions. Check these by FullForm[] /StandForm[]or TreeForm[].The object f in an expression f[x,y] is known as the head of the expression. You can extract it using Head[expr]
command Head FullForm
{a,b,c} List List[a,b,c]
a->b Rule Rule[a,b]
Point[a,b,c] Point Point[a,b,c] in coordinate is a point
Line[a,b,c] Line Line[a,b,c] in coordinate is a line
udefine[a,b,c] udefine udefine[a,b,c]
RGBColor[a,b,c] RGBColor RGBColor[a,b,c] in palette is a color
a+b Plus Plus[a+b]
Sin[x] Sin Sin[x]
Series[1/(1-x),{x,0,2}] SeriesData Series[1/(1-x),{x,0,2}]
hello Symbol Symbol[hello]
"hello" String String["hello"]
and so on..
You can understand these easliy.
About Graphics: