<1>很多的第一次第一次看见他时,照片里他拿着书,穿着当下时兴的白色T恤和牛仔裤,身后一片芦苇地,太阳光下,笑得帅帅的。 <1> a lot of time to see him the first sequence, the photographs of him holding a book, wearing a white T shirt these days and jeans, behind a reed, the sunlight, smiling handsome.
第一次听他的歌,歌的前奏是他的一段说唱,很独特很独特,再听下去,是他的三分唱功,七分不羁,然后便迷上他了,以至于歌单上一串都是Vae。 First listen to his songs, a prelude to his song a rap, it is unique is unique, kept on listening, the third of his vocals, seven unruly, and then they fell in love with him, so that the string of a single song are Vae.
他的歌有感伤,有狂妄,但写的唱的,都是心声。 His songs are sentimental, there are arrogant, but to write songs, are the voices.
有人说,他长的不标致,仔细看看,确实这样,但一直认为,他长得像他的歌一样干净。 It is said that he did not long Peugeot, a closer look, do so, but always thought he looked as clean as his songs.
有人说,他唱得不好,默默品味,确实这样,但一直在想,他的歌里是最真实的自己。 It is said that he do not sing well, quietly taste, indeed the case, but have been thinking of his songs is the most authentic self.
真的,一个人静静听,不知怎么有时会心痛,然后眼泪就开始泛滥。 Really, a man quietly listening, I do not know how sometimes heartbreaking, and then the tears began to flood.
会开始回忆,回忆一些乱七八糟的事,想起童年,想起小学,想起一切的一切的爱和温暖。 Will begin to recall memories of some mess of things, think of childhood, think of school, think of all the love and warmth to all. 有时想想,回忆的不仅是回忆。 Sometimes I think, to remember not only the memories.
这就是许嵩的力量,一个23岁大男生的歌声的力量。 This is the power of Xu Song, a 23-year-old boys in the power of song.
一字一句,每一声调,不完美,却很舒服,就像躺在白云上,身边是最最心爱的毛绒玩具。 Single word, every tone, not perfect, very comfortable, like lying clouds, the side with the most beloved toy.
就像,一个人沿着人行道一直走一直走,规定自己只能踩黄线,然后牵一条小狗,叼一根棒棒糖,漫无目的地,只是漫无目的地走着。 Like a person walking along the sidewalk has been going to restrict itself only step on the yellow line, and then pull a puppy, Diao a lollipop, aimlessly, just walking aimlessly. 然后突然放手,看见狗狗颠颠地跑到前面的树下搜起食物来。 And then suddenly let go, went to see the dog in front of prayers from the food to tree search.
闭上眼睛,我笑了。 Close your eyes, I smiled.
<2>真实耳机里是Vae在浅唱着,不知为何,就是迷上了这种带着些许稚气和轻狂的声音。 <2> real headphones is Vae singing in the light, I do not know why that is absorbed in such childish and frivolous with a little voice.
“玫瑰花的葬礼,埋葬关于你的回忆。” "Rose's funeral, the burial of your memories."
好忧伤的旋律,好凄美的歌词,Vae的演绎,在朴实中带一点点忧伤,怪不得牵走了这么多人的心。 Good sad melody, good lyrics poignant, Vae's interpretation of the plain with a little bit sad, no wonder so many people took his heart.
斜阳里,默默而又痴痴地想。 Setting sun, the quiet but journeying to.
打开电脑,QQ音乐的排行榜里,我看见第一是那个只爱耍酷的“周大侠”,而紧随其后的,是许嵩——一个干净得一尘不染的名字,照片里的他,淡淡地笑着,淡然地,令人无法想象这是一个在网上拥有超高人气的大男生。 Turn on the computer, QQ music charts, I see that doing is play it cool first, the "Zhouda Xia", and followed, is Xu Song - a spotless clean and have the name of his photographs, light smile, take it lightly, the people can not imagine that this is a high popularity in the Internet big boys have.
走近他,走进他的博客才发现这个23岁的大男生是如此的真实。 Approached him, entered his blog only to find that 23-year-old big boys are so real.
超高的点击率,放肆的语录。 CTR high, wanton quotations. 他说,总有一些人我喜欢的,一些人我讨厌的,一些人我恶心的,这就是生活吧。 He said there are always some people I like, some I hate, and some people I am sick, this is life right.
看罢,竟轻声感叹,有人敢于说出自己所喜欢的,自己所讨厌的,自己所恶心的,这就是真实吧。 Finished reading, actually whispered sigh, some people dared to speak out the love, hate himself, his own sick, and this is true it.
突然,就想到了某些矫揉造作的人,整天笑着,却没有一刻是为自己而笑,是人都看出来了,虚伪! Suddenly, the thought of some of the artificial person, smiling all day, but not a moment for themselves to smile, is the people saw it, and hypocrisy! 抑或大骂一声:shit! Or cursed soon as: shit!
到处都是不真实,真的。 Everywhere true, really. 真实的地方,很少很少。 Real place, very little. 我能想到的,就只剩家了。 I can think of, the only home.
这时Vae的声音:“星光点亮了,海水泛起皱褶。” Then Vae voice: "Star light, and water thrown up by the fold."
心一下子舒坦了,Vae的声音似乎很美,美得让人心碎。 Heart had suddenly comfortable, Vae's voice seemed beautiful, beautiful and heartbreaking.
谢谢你,许嵩,让我找到了最真实的自己。 Thank you, Xu Song, I found the most authentic self.
真的,很感谢。 Really, very grateful.
明天,墨尔本晴。 Tomorrow, sunny Melbourne. 嗯