企业物流外包决策问题探讨摘要:我国企业物流外包的水平远远低于欧美企业和日本企业。影响企业是否将物流外包的因素有很多,也很复杂,既有战略上的考虑,也有成本上的考虑,既有管理的因素,也有风险方面的考虑等。 针对这样的情况,企业需要一套决策工具来辅助他们做出物流外包决策。为此,本论文把物流外包决策机理作为重点进行分析,然后讨论可供选择的物流外包决策模型,接着分析物流外包的风险及防范措施,最后以海尔物流为实例来照应物流外包决策理论。 通过以上研究可以得到以下结论:物流外包决策有两个主要动因,成本动力因素和战略动力因素;企业物流外包有其优势但也存在着风险,这些风险因素企业在一定程度上是可控的。在当今竞争激烈、市场变化快、需求个性化的环境下,企业集中资源和精力于自己的核心竞争力的业务上,将自己的物流业务外包给第三方物流服务商来经营是一个趋势。 本文采用理论研究与实证研究相结合的方法,运用多种学科的理论,对企业物流外包的原理和方法进行了研究,并联系企业实际进行分析,验证理论的正确性。关键词:企业 物流外包 决策Abstract: The level of corporation logistics outsourcing in China is much lower than that of corporation in developed countries. There are so many factors that influence decision-making for whether a company should outsource its logistics business, such as strategy and cost consideration as well as management and risk factors and so on. Keeping these in mind, a company needs a set of tools to make the decision for logistics outsourcing. Therefore, this essay firstly focuses on decision-making mechanism. Then some available decision-making models for logistics outsourcing are presented. Also, this article analyzes the risk and its countermeasures for logistics outsourcing. At last, an example of Haier logistics ............... 希望可以帮助到你,望采纳