reject作为名词时意思是“被拒绝的人或被抛弃的人或事物”,以及“被拒收的出口货物”。如reject china不合格的瓷器,rejects from an offcers training军官培训课程的不合格者。
作为动词时的意思是“拒绝接受某人事物”、“抛弃某事物、摈弃、剔除”、“不给予某人/事物应有的爱、慢待”。如a rejected condidatebe 遭到拒绝的候选人,Imperfect articles are rejected by our quality control我们进行质量检查时,有缺陷的产品均予剔除。The child was rejected by its parents这个孩子没有受到他父母的疼爱。
refuse作为名词时的意思是“废料、废物、垃圾”,以及“厨房里、花园里、家里……的垃圾袋、堆、箱等”,如refuse disposal废料的处理。
refuse作为动词时的意思是“拒绝,回绝”、“不同意、不愿意帮助、不允许”、“拒绝接受一件礼物、建议、邀请”。如She refused him/his proposal of marriage她拒绝了他的求婚,Our application for wisas was refused我们的签证申请没有获得批准,The car absolutely refused to start这辆车完全发动不起来。
refuse 是拒绝,出于主观.一般前面是"i, she, he, they, you + refuse(refused)例如: (i refuse to accept his love. 我拒绝接受他的爱. )(he refused my offer. 他拒绝了我的提议.)
reject是被拒绝,是被动的. (my application has been rejected. 我的申请表被拒绝了.)(i got rejected,我被拒绝了.)
refuse 名词:废料 垃圾 废物
reject 名词:废品 下脚料
reject 及物动词 可直接加宾语 “拒绝,不接受,丢弃”
refuse 既是及物动词又是不及物动词 常与to连用 “拒绝 不接受”
Refuse usually implies determination and often brusqueness:
“The commander . . . refused to discuss questions of right” (George Bancroft).
“I'll make him an offer he can't refuse” (Mario Puzo).Todecline is to refuse courteously:
“I declined election to the National Institute of Arts and Letters some years ago, and now I must decline the Pulitzer Prize” (Sinclair Lewis).
Reject suggests the discarding of someone or something as unsatisfactory, defective, or useless;it implies categoric refusal:
“He again offered himself for enlistment and was again rejected” (Arthur S.M. Hutchinson).
“Emphasize your choice by utter ignoring of all that you reject” (Ralph Waldo Emerson).Tospurn is to reject scornfully or contemptuously:
“The more she spurns my love,/The more it grows” (Shakespeare).