
2025-01-01 03:15:39

合作原则(The Cooperative Principle)是语言学家格赖茨(Herbert Paul Grice 1913-1988)在他的著作“Logic and Conversation”(1975)提出的。
格莱斯在“Logic and Conversation” (1975)一文中认为人们在谈话中遵守的合作原则包括四个范畴,每个范畴又包括一条准则和一些次准则,即: (The Maxim of Quantity)。
a)所说的话应该满足交际所需的信息量 [Make your contribution as informative as is required (for the current purpose of the exchange)];
b)所说的话不应超出交际所需的信息量 [Do not make your contribution more informative than is required]; (The Maxim of Quality)。 (Try to make your contribution one that is true)
a)不要说自知是虚假的话 [Do not say what you believe to be false];
b)不要说缺乏足够证据的话 [Do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence]; (The Maxim of Manner)。说话要清楚、明了 (Be perspicuous)。
a)避免晦涩 [Avoid obscurity];
b)避免歧义 [Avoid ambiguity];
c)简炼 [Be brief (avoid unnecessary prolixity)];
d)井井有条 [Be orderly]。
