
2024-12-30 05:21:29

再给你一篇读后感,刚才那个不是很好。 我看了莎士比亚所作《哈姆莱特》,它是由五幕悲剧组成的。在这位戏剧大师的几部悲剧中间,《哈姆莱特》是最扑朔迷离的,也是最富有哲理性的。其中如父王为恶叔所弑,王位被篡,母后与凶手乱伦而婚,王储试图复仇而装疯等基本情节。十分吸引我,却又十分悲惨。 这次我想聊聊剧中的三个人物。 第一位是本剧的主人公--哈姆莱特。读完这本书,我认识了他从“时代脱臼了,真糟糕,天生我要把它扳正过来”这句豪言壮语到“是活下去还是不活,这是个问题”这句绝望的叹息的全部心理背景。实际上,哈姆莱特的尴尬在于一个纤弱而又明达的心灵肩负着与其行为能力不相称的重任,比坦特鲁斯更难堪饥渴,比西绪弗斯更枉费心力。用歌德的说法,“这是一株橡树给栽在一个只应开放娇红嫩绿的昂贵的花瓶里。”在哈姆莱特身上,人的脆弱性和环境的残暴性是如此相反而又相成,以致这个独特的性格在内涵方面显得密致而厚重,在外延方面也显得博大而深广。 其实就是如此的扑朔迷离,让我的同情也不得不转移到配角奥利菲亚的身上,她是如此的年轻,心灵和身体都没有成熟,种种柔情连她自己都不明其所以然,便提前油然而生,爱和恨一起压挤着、煎熬着她脆弱的身心。她爱人,同时渴望被爱,却往往意识到自己爱人胜过被爱。她不幸而又无助,不是因为品质上的弱点,完全只是由于自己也不了解的天真无邪,她当然十分痛苦,却从未流露出来。所以在我看来,她更像一只小鸟,为了寻求庇护,投向哈姆莱特的怀抱;可叹他在神经错乱中,竟把她从自己身旁摔开去,摔的那么重,终于无意间杀死了她。她死在了她爱的人手上,上天对她还是仁慈的。 最后我想聊的这个人物与前两个人物相比,他出场次数并不多,却对情节发展起了决定性的作用,无论在外国还是中国,鬼魂往往是一个有浓厚的人情味,因为前世有莫大的冤屈,在坟里不得安宁,只得向活人显灵,直至冤屈得以昭雪,正义得以伸张为止。老哈姆莱特正是这样一个鬼魂,以致他一出场便发出令人毛骨悚然的呼喊,后来把他如何被人谋害的经过口齿清晰的描述给哈姆莱特听,他谈到他所受的痛苦,并不是消极的哭诉,而是积极地要求复仇,这就是老哈姆莱特。 《哈姆莱特》是一个很悲惨的故事,但从几个人物中我了解了许多,懂了许多许多...... I see a Shakespeare Hamlet, it is composed by five ACTS of tragedy. In the drama master several among tragedy Hamlet is the most complicated, is also the most rich philosophical. One such evil had started his father, mother, with the throne was assassinated incest and marriage, the prince of the murderer tried to pretend crazy revenge and basic plot. Very attracted me, yet very miserable. This time I want to talk about the three characters. The first is the hero, Hamlet. Reading this book, I know he dislocated his era from ", too bad I will turn it is over "to" the grandiloquence was alive or not to live, this is a question that all hopeless sigh of psychological background. Actually, Hamlet is a slight awkward and informed the soul shoulder not commensurate with ability of responsibility, the harder than jotham truss, hunger, more than the polity, wasted effort. Use of Goethe's saying, "this is a tree to plant on a should only be open jiao red green expensive vase." Hamlet, people in the vulnerability and the environment is so cruel, so that each opposite but this unique character MiZhi appear in the connotation and denotation, too thick and researched and appear. Actually is so complicated, let my sympathy to transfer to the supporting olivier fayed, she is so young, mind and body is not mature, even her own tender the unknown, advance together, love and hate, she pressed the suffering and fragile. Her lover, while a craving to be loved, but often realize oneself love is better than to be loved. Her unhappy and helpless, not because of the quality of weakness, but only because of his innocence, also don't know her very painful, of course, but never revealed. So in my opinion, she is more like a bird, in order to seek refuge, to the arms of Hamlet, Alas, in his insanity that she fell away from his side, so heavy, finally fell accidentally killed her. She died in her love for her hand, or kind. Finally, I want to talk with the characters of two characters, compared with before, but not many appearances for plot development plays the decisive role in foreign or Chinese, there is often a ghost, strong feelings, because the past of a great injustice, no peace in death, living to be righted grievances visions, and until justice be done so far. Old Hamlet is such a ghost, so that he will play a hair-raising shout out, then put him to be one of the plot to speak clearly through the description of Hamlet, he talked about his pain, not negative crying, but actively requirements revenge, this is old Hamlet. Hamlet is a very sad story, but I know several people from many, many understand...


Once the "Oak" to be inflated to open the root, the "vase" on the non-breaking is not to squeeze, and this is a tragedy. Found in Hamlet, the vulnerability of people and the environment is so brutal and contrary to each other, as well as the unique aspects of the character appears in the connotations of dense and thick, it is also in the extension of broad and deep. By doing so, some experts have claimed that Hamlet is not an objective of the role of out-of-date, but each of us own. Shakespeare does not belong to an era which belongs to the whole century, his plays like a brilliant Star of the Big Dipper, the direction of guidelines for people. "The survival or destruction, this is a problem worth considering," he raised the issue of philosophy is the basic proposition. Because just occurred to him of these things lead to his philosophy of life, thinking, in his life, everything good or bad times, he will not take into account this issue, then the only life he saw the light face, then life is good, and now, the sudden tragedy forced him to face up to the dark side of life and the ugly side of human nature. It can be said that Hamlet to life the dark side or a more profound understanding. The past he only turned a blind eye to it all. Now the harsh reality forced him to face all this. He had a premonition that he had been dragged into the inevitable fate of a tragedy. If it was to kill his father, then became a father for revenge can not shirk his life's mission. And his enemy is today's king, to kill him, certainly not an easy task, but no matter how difficult, is not hatred of killing father reported, His immediate task is to think of a clever way to verify whether his uncle killed his father. Plot, plot and the killing, which is contrary to the nature of Hamlet kind of innocence, but his mission of revenge necessary. In the Mood for Love in the life of Hamlet in the back of a heavy revenge mission, the hearts of all day is full of hatred, the dark and his heart heavy, he can not extricate themselves into the abyss of suffering. 9 回答者: 咱图吐个槽