MUSE的《Endlessly》 歌词

2024-12-28 21:13:40


there's a part of me you'll never know
the only thing i'll never show
hopelessly, i'll love you endlessly
hopelessly, i'll give you everything
but i won't give you up
i won't let you down
i won't leave you falling
if the moment ever comes
it's plain to see, it's trying to speak
cherished dreams forever asleep
hopelessly, i'll love you endlessly
hopelessly, i'll give you everything
but i won't give you up
i won't let you down
i won't leave you falling
if the moment ever comes
hopelessly, i'll love you endlessly
hopelessly, i'll give you everything
but i won't give you up
i won't let you down
i won't leave you falling
but the moment never comes

专辑:Absolution 发行时间:2003-09-08 流派:嘻哈 发行公司:华纳音乐
这是一张概念化的专辑,由采样了军队队列表演时正步声的序曲引出,在接下来的“启示录”(Apocalypse Please)中,用庄严的古典钢琴声明了他们的音乐并非像一些媒体所说的是受radiohead的影响,而是俄罗斯古典音乐作曲家拉赫玛尼诺夫。“时光流逝”(Time is Running Out)先是用优美浪漫的旋律透出了优雅情怀,待到副歌部分,音乐被吉他推至波涛汹涌。““斯德哥尔摩综合症”(Stockholm Syndrome)绽放出了哥特金属似的狂妄,犹如亲眼见到了持续五分钟的爆炸。爆炸之后当然是一片宁息与反思,“与你一同消失”(Falling Away with You)就是在这种情绪下的演奏。  下半段,歇斯底里”(Hysteria)专辑中最有能量和音速的一首歌,灯火管制”(Blackout)是一首弦乐演奏的华尔兹舞曲,“飓风与蝴蝶”(Butterflies and Hurricanes)先是利用歌剧般的嗓音与不间断的贝斯演奏,完美的展现了七十年代激进摇滚的风范,而后突转风向,来了一段钢琴演奏,又展现了主唱(Matt Bellamy)的古典音乐功底。“Tsp”玩起了重金属似的颤音。“无穷无尽”(Endlessly)柔和了欧式的迪斯科与梦幻流行。“秘密章程”(Ruled by Secrecy)在钢琴的衬托下推动着如唱诗一般的歌声,描绘了感觉到时光荏苒时的悲痛。



there's a part of me you'll never know
the only thing i'll never show
hopelessly, i'll love you endlessly
hopelessly, i'll give you everything
but i won't give you up
i won't let you down
i won't leave you falling
if the moment ever comes
it's plain to see, it's trying to speak
cherished dreams forever asleep
hopelessly, i'll love you endlessly
hopelessly, i'll give you everything
but i won't give you up
i won't let you down
i won't leave you falling
if the moment ever comes
hopelessly, i'll love you endlessly
hopelessly, i'll give you everything
but i won't give you up
i won't let you down
i won't leave you falling
but the moment never comes