
2024-11-25 10:24:38

1 没有收到回信,我决定再给他们写一封,但仍然没有收到回信(receive a reply, write to)
1 not having received a reply, I decided to write them a letter, but still haven't received a reply (receive a reply, write to)
2我考试不及格使我的父母非常生气。(failing the exam)3我碰巧也去过那里。(happen to, have been there)
2 I didn't pass the exam makes my parents very angry. (failing the exam) 3 I happened to have been there. (happen to, have been there)


  1. Having not received a reply, I decided to write them a letter, but
    have still not received a reply

  2. Failing the exam ,I made my parents very angry.

  3. I happened to do that,having been there, too.(这里不大建议)


  1. Not receiving a reply, I decided to write to them again, But I haven't yet received.

  2. My failing  the exam made my parents very angry.

  3. I happened to have been there, too.


Not having received a reply,I decided to write to them again,but still have not received any letter.
My failing the exam made my parents very angry.
I happened to have been there.


Received no reply, I decided to write them a letter, but still have not received my letter
I failed in the exam made my parents very angry.
I happened to have been there