
2024-12-30 14:57:46

我刚帮我妈妈办理了探亲,也是要邀请函的,是你个人写,不用学校盖章我为了保险起见写了2份一份是英文,给VO的,很正式的另外中英文都有,就是家常话的。要写很想念啊,每天都打电话啊,肉麻点没关系。正式那份我把模板我贴下面了,家书你就自己写吧,先给他写信再翻译成英文也行。你要交的材料可能和我不一样,自己看着改下吧。 YOUR NAME YOUR ADDRESS Monday, 17th August 2009 To British Embassy Re: Application for visit visa: XXX (B.O.D. XXX) I am writing to confirm I wish to invite my parents—XXX & XXX to visit me in the UK for one month in order to have a short holiday. I hope they will be able to come on 20th September 2009 I am working in XXX Company and have leave to remain until XXXX I am able to accommodate them for the duration of their stay in the UK. Please find attached evidence of my accommodation. Evidence of my financial status is also attached. I have enclosed the following documents:Copy of passport Copy of working visaCopy of Certificate of RegistrationEmployer letter Tenancy agreement4 months pay-in slips ( From April 2009 to July 2009)Bank statements ( From 18th February 2009 to 11th August 2009 )Chinese invitation letter and translation Should you require any additional information please do not hesitate to contact me on +44 XXX, or Email XXXX Much appreciate for your time Kind regards, Your faithfully XXXX




WE, MR. CITIZEN, John and MRS. CITIZEN Lisa of

2 John Street
South Melbourne, Vic 3005, Australia

do solemnly and sincerely declare that

We, Australian permanent resident and citizen, are happy to invite and sponsor our Mother - Ms. CITIZEN, Michelle to come to visit us and her grand children in Melbourne, Australia.

We will be fully responsible for all the expenses incurred during her stay in Australia such as accommodation, foods, air tickets, medical expenses and all other commonwealth financial commitments. We will guarantee that she will return back to China before her visa expires. We are pleased to pay a security bond, if required.

I make this solemn declaretion by virtue of the Statutory Declaration Act of 1959 as amended and subject to the penalties provided by the Act for the making of false statements in this declaration to be ture in every particular.

Declared at: _____(John Citizen & Lisa Citizen 邀请人签字)

On 08.08.2005

Before me (公证人签字并盖章)