
2024-12-14 10:58:24


你如果本科毕业,可以考虑通过申请公立学院的研究生文凭,用于签证,到了当地再考虑是否转为大专课程或学士学位课程。本科学士学位课程通常要求6.5分雅思,单科不低于6。大专课程要求通常是6分雅思,单科不低于5.5,如果你有符合要求的雅思成绩,可以直接入读专业课程,不需要就读语言课程了。即便你没有符合专业入学的雅思成绩,也可以考虑申请语言+专业的双录取,到了当地完成语言课程后,可以入读专业。大专学费是12000加元一年,本科学费一般是18000-22000加元一年,生活费预计是10000加元一年,在当地完成至少1个学期专业课程后,可以申请合法的校外工作签证,打工可以解决生活费问题。 完成至少2年制的大专(或以上)课程,毕业后可以获得3年的工作签证,工作一年可以通过经验类别获得移民身份。1年制的课程毕业,可以获得一年的工作签证,建议考虑赴偏远地区(如曼省)工作6个月后申请省提名移民。



Determine your eligibility-Canadian Experience Class
You need to meet these requirements to apply under the Canadian Experience Class. You must:
plan to live outside the province of Quebec
have at least 12 months of full-time (or an equal amount in part-time) skilled work experience in Canada in the three years before you apply,
have gained your experience in Canada with the proper authorization
meet the required language levels needed for your job for each language ability (speaking, reading, writing, and listening).
Skilled work experience
According to the Canadian National Occupational Classification (NOC), skilled work experience means:
Managerial jobs (NOC skill type 0)
Professional jobs (NOC skill type A)
Technical jobs and skilled trades (NOC skill type B)
You must have at least 12 months of full-time, or an equal amount in part-time, skilled work experience. Full-time work means at least 30 hours of paid work per week.
To find out which group your job falls under, see the list of jobs and their NOC groups. Follow the steps to find the NOC group that matches your job.
If the details and list of main duties for a job under NOC skill types 0, A or B match what you did while you worked in Canada, your job is likely in that group. If it does not, look at the list to see if another job matches your experience.
If your existing work permit is about to expire you may be eligible for a bridging open work permit. Bridging open work permits allow qualified applicants to keep working while they await a final decision on their permanent residence application.