
2024-12-01 18:28:29

The first league: smooth sailing, good year after year, the second league: everything goes well, step by step, and cross - pass: five blessings

The First Couplet: Completely Eliminate the Old Habits and the Second Couplet: Five Lectures, Four Beauties and New Trends: Farewell to the Old and Spring Festival
First Couplet: A Year of Good Luck Goes with Spring to Second Couplet: Clouds Rolling in All Seasons

The first couplet: the spring of the four seasons of the year is always in the second couplet: thousands of purple flowers and thousands of red flowers will bloom forever; celebrating the new year.

The first league: good luck in the four seasons of the year. the second league: treasures from all directions enter the house and pass judgment. home and all things come together.

he First Couplet: Greeting the New Year, Splendid Jiangshan and the Second Couplet: Resignation of the Old Year, Prosperity of Thailand, Full of Spring

The first couplet: to welcome the new year, everything goes as expected. the second couplet: to receive the praise of the rising of hong fu and the rising of his rank. good things come to the door.

The first league: taking advantage of the right time and the right place, and the second league: taking the treasures of Kyushu and the four seas as a cross - section: continuous financial resources

The first couplet: magnificent mountains and rivers are full of splendor; the second couplet: civilized countries are full of splendor; mountains and rivers are magnificent

The first couplet: Spring Festival couplet to Song, People's Peace and Country's Peace and Country's Peace and Country's Peace and Country's Peace and Country's Peace and Country's Peace


上联:一帆风顺年年好 下联:万事如意步步高 横批:五福临门

上联:一干二净除旧习 下联:五讲四美树新风 横批:辞旧迎春

上联:一年好运随春到 下联:四季彩云滚滚来 横批:万事如意

上联:一年四季春常在 下联:万紫千红永开花 横批:喜迎新春

上联:一年四季行好运 下联:八方财宝进家门 横批:家和万事兴

上联:占天时地利人和 下联:取九州四海财宝 横批:财源不断

上联:壮丽山河多异彩 下联:文明国度遍高风 横批:山河壮丽

上联:春联对歌民安国泰 下联:喜字成双花好月圆 横批:国泰民安


上联: Time is a vexation,come up roll n roll.时尽艰哉,岁月蹉跎事事侯。
下联: Life is a struggle,have 2 step by 1 step.生多难也,江湖谨慎步步营。
上联: Rose sells rose on Rose Road. Rose在玫瑰路上卖玫瑰。
下联:Give me hand, hand in hand. 给我你的手,让我们手牵手。
横联:Nowhere? Now here! 任何地方都不?现在在这儿!
上联:Everything is possible.任何事都有可能。
下联:Impossible is nothing.没有不可能。
横批:Just do it.只要肯去做。