
2024-11-25 18:09:51

越来越多的国人受外国文化影响,现在越来越多的人过上了外国的节日。中国的外资企业也越来越多,不免带过来外国的风俗。人们每天都在追求新的花样,新的刺激。其实过外国节日对很多方面都有影响,从经济上讲,过外国节日的人多了,比如说情人节、圣诞节,商家的营业额就会剧增,生产节日礼物的公司也多了商品得销售途径。对经济还是有一定的促进作用的。从这点看,我们可以而且应该支持过国外节日。另一方面崇洋的过程中往往丢掉了我们传统的节日,这是很不应该的,我们应该在追求时尚的道路上不忘了中国原本就有的文化。这是很让人痛心的。不过现在国家把这些传统节日定为法定节假日,让我们有时间去过这个节日,是很不错的,不会丢了传统节日。补充:西方——西方的文化,尤其以美国的为代表,注重真正以人为中心,发掘生活中的快乐、自由,以这为本,虽然大家享受了自由和快感,但于“道”有损,从而引出的大量社会问题让政府头痛非常:社会治安混乱,犯罪率居高不下等等,甚至“杀人容易偿命难”……东方——克己复礼,以修“道”为上,几千年来的文化均不以“人”为中心,一方面对人性有压抑之嫌,另一方面确对人性、对社会有稳定之功。所以,现代的年轻人当然接受西方的东西快些,但这尤如提倡了享乐,忽视了责任。这反映了当代年轻人的盲目和茫然,需要引导。 这并不是他们接受新事物快,而是他们接近诱惑的事物快——人之常情,不是能力而是本能。


Western students enjoy a seemingly relaxed educational experience. This, however, is not the case for students in Asia, who face crushing workloads and are often very disciplined. In the first part of her Globalist.

China has a long history of standardized tests, beginning with the ancient imperial exams initiated during the Sui Dynasty.Shelly Chen is at the top of the class at the Shanghai foreign language school, one of the city’s best middle schools. Already near fluent in English, she is studying German and ranks among the highest in her grade in physics. Her goal is to get a full scholarship to Harvard to study biochemistry. It is not only Western expatriates that grow anxious when hearing about students like Shelly.

Throughout England, politicians, parents and pundits worry that the industriousness and discipline of kids in the East are leaving relatively relaxed Westerners trailing behind. Though there is some debate surrounding the statistics, it is widely believed that North America is failing to produce sufficient graduates in sciences and engineering.
Chinese students are taught that all questions have but one right answer and there is little room for debate.North American education needs to move away from an emphasis on fun, flexibility and individual learning styles.Instead, it has to shift towards a more strict, disciplined teaching environment that math and science, in particular, seem to demand.This shift can be discerned even in Canada, where there are no college entrance exams, and where, standardized testing, memorization and rote learning have long been frowned upon.