select a.* from a inner join b on a.id=b.aid where b.tagname='中国'
select a.* from a inner join b on a.id=b.aid where b.tagname='中国' and not exists(select 1 from b as c where c.id=a.id and tagname='香港')
--select 表A.* from 表A
select aid from 表B
where tagname = '中国' and tagname != '香港'
) temp_B
on 表A.id = temp_B.aid
select * from a where exists (select * from b where b.aid=a.id and b.tagname ='中国' and b.tagname<>'香港')
select * from b where tagname ='中国' and aid not in (select aid from b where tagname ='香港')