想找.好.的英语辅导中心的话,其实选择ABC先下英语中心的人好像还蛮多的 在家上课,时间弹性,跟着学习生活口语课,很不错的 特别是口语和听力,最好能是外国人教学..你就是转不过来otherwise和awarded两个词:otherwiseadv.(副词)In another way; differently:以另外的方式;不同地:She thought otherwise.她从另一个侧面考虑Award:To give as legally due:判给:因司法判决给予:awarded damages to the plaintiff.See Synonyms at grant 判给原告损害赔偿金参见 grant因为常理都是输的一方都负责承担诉讼或仲裁用,但也有根据轻重情况,另外在判决里列明,双方怎么承(分)担的。所以,整句的翻译应该是:“除非判决另外判与,(否则)仲裁用将由输的一方来承担
We will scrap these products directly and all costs will be borne by your side.
We will directly scrap those goods, and the expense is borne by your side
We will distroy all these products and the costs will be covered by your side.