我翻译句子首先是把整首句子的单词含义弄懂。这一步很重要,然后你快速的扫一遍全文有一个全文含义的大概框架。不先看全文的话很难弄懂,因为英语句子句型构造顺序颠倒所以要看全文才能理解句子的真正含义。然后逐句翻译根据已知的词通过思维联想句意。应注意时态,句型结构等等。 纯手打。。。。
I don't understand what you really need. If you are asking about the translation from English into Chinese then, you ought to understand the content/meaning fron the source and put them into the appropriate language in this case is in Chinese and that's all.
The key words - the mastery of both languages.