1.这栋大楼是欧式的 This building is ih european style.
2.他一直在写信吗?Has he been writing letters?
3.不止一所学校关门了 There is not only one school closed.
4.他在这儿待得越久越好The longer he stays here ,the better he will be.
5.如果你不去,我也不去If you don't go there,I will do not go,either.
this building is ih european style.
have he still written?
not only one school closed.
the longer he stays in here ,the better he will be.
If you don't go there,neither will i.
这栋大楼是欧式的. This buliding has an European style.
他一直在写信吗? Has he being writting letters the whole time?
不止一所学校关门了 This is not the only one school that shuted.
他在这儿待得越久越好。 It would be better if he stays longer.
如果你不去,我也不去 I'm not going, if you are not going.
This buliding is has an European style.
have he still written?
There is not only one school closed.
It would be better if he stays longer.
If you don't go there,I will do not go,either.
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