第一篇是:《中国崛起:史诗般壮丽的20世纪中国》(Margaret Thatcher 《China Rising: The Epic History of 20th Century China》)网上有视频。
另一篇是在美国胡佛学院的演说《时代的领导》《 the Hoover Institution ("A Time for Leadership")》,这个演说有她的全文。关于中国她是这样说的“
We are apt to say - and I say myself, when I forget - that victory in the Cold War meant the collapse of communism. But, of course, that is not strictly true. Indeed, one communist power has actually benefited by the implosion of the Soviet Union. China is now the main candidate to become a superpower, and its intentions and capabilities are rightly the subject of intense debate.
China is certainly a rising power - its already vast population is growing, so is its economy, and so are its ambitions - all three in contrast to those of Russia. And still more than Russia, China's past history and present ideology suggest that for the foreseeable future it remains deeply hostile to the West.
The argument that economic progress will automatically change that is flawed. It is certainly true that pressures for democracy will increase as living standards rise. But the ruling elite in China, which uses the slogans, apparatus and methods of communism to stay in power, is not going to go quickly or quietly. It cannot afford to embrace democracy, and at the moment it does not need to. It is, after all, able to repress dissent without much difficulty. It has even perfected a system, combining enterprise, corruption and slave labour, that allows it to benefit from growing prosperity. And I would like here to pay tribute to Harry Wu who courageously exposed that wicked system.
Communism with "Chinese characteristics" still has many of the characteristics of communism. Yet for all its abuses, China should not be isolated: it is far too important for that. Indeed, it should be drawn further into the global economy. But nor should it be appeased, particularly over Taiwan.
China will not become a superpower to match the United States - at least, not while it is held back by the dead weight of socialism. But it is a potentially hostile regional power. In the long run, democratic India may emerge as a counterweight. But today and for the foreseeable future, it is Japan which must be America's strategic partner in the region. Keeping that partnership alive and well is the fulcrum of stability in the Far East.
撒切尔夫人在1998 年说: “将来世界上只有两个大国,一个是美国,一个是中国。” 我们亲手结束300 年落后历史 用150 年时间融入世界,成为世界政治大国。