必须用商务英语:"We refer to all the invoices in the attachment and would like to draw your attention that, as at today, we have not received any payment yet. Please help arrange for the payment. Thank you for your attention."
这篇文章的翻译如下:Like all of the attached invoices, we have not received any payment yet so far, could you please arrange to deal with it, thanks!
As so far, for all of the attached invoices, we have not received any payment yet, could you please arrange to deal with it, thanks!
Such attachments shown in all INVOICE, up to now we have not received the payment, please help to arrange, thank you!
We still not recept the payment of all invoices in achievement so far .Please arrange,tks!
As shown in the vicinity of all INVOIVE So far I have not received payment arrangements please help, thank you!