
2024-11-12 09:50:15

Since 2008, various conjectures on room rate have never been stopped, whether the room rate has really appeared in the flex point, various data are inconsistent, various statements are far from each other, how should consumers judge the tendency of the room rate?
The thought of political economy according to Marx of this text, analyze the tendency of the room rate from two respects of market supply and demand and macro adjustments and controls, population structure characteristic, the urban area develops process to accelerate, urbanite's level of consumption rises and improves the living conditions, overseas capital investment --The property appreciates + the double income of price differential of exchange rate is analyzed, but in macro adjustments and controls, will control two respect analysis of gate of land and credit from the government. And at this point, propose some suggestions in macro adjustments and controls that is given to the government.
Keyword: Room rate, market demand, macro adjustments and controls, adjustment is proposed