
2024-12-14 21:29:54

This paper analyses the influence on College Students' English listening level of several factors, through the guidance of students' correct pronunciation and intonation, the practice of enlarging English vocabulary, to cultivate students' listening skills and habit of thinking in English, English rich national cultural background knowledge and strengthening extracurricular listening and other means, has reached the purpose of improving college students' English listening level.As teachers of English, should be in the practical teaching of English listening in searching for effective methods of English listening teaching, arouse the students' good enthusiasm and initiative, and greatly improve their listening level.


Abstract: this article from the analysis of the influence college students' English listening level of several factors, through the guidance of the students' correct pronunciation intonation, expand the English vocabulary, to cultivate students' listening skills and English thinking habits, rich English country social and cultural background knowledge and strengthen extracurricular listening training and so on the many kinds of means, has reached the improvement of college students' English listening level of purpose. As an English teacher, should be in the practical English listening teaching continuously search effective English listening teaching methods, arouse students' enthusiasm and initiative, and greatly improve their English listening level.
Keywords: college English listening, influence factors, improve method
Preface: want to have interest in learning English world famous great physicist Albert Einstein said: "interest is the best teacher, it always is better than the sense of responsibility". In college English teaching, the hearing has become most college students' weak link. In recent years, due to the university English four, six levels of tests the reform, English professional level 4, tem 8 examination requirements, etc., yes listening teaching to promote and popularize, listening become one of the core courses of college English. College English teaching faces new challenges, to actively explore listening teaching rule, through the appropriate guide inspiration, arouses student's heard enthusiasm, improve the students' heard level and the comprehensive ability of using language, is in the front of each English teacher and the problems to be solved.
Text: first, from the perspective of linguistics, language points sound language and silent language. English listening is to understand the English language as the medium of oral communication ability of activity. According to the second linguistics to theory, the language input is language acquisition is the most fundamental condition, hearing as an input type skills in the students' language learning holds the very important status, to make students master a language skills, no doubt, English classroom teaching in listening teaching is especially important. In college students' English comprehensive ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing it in five aspects, listening is most important, thus it can be seen listening skills in the language of the importance of communication.
2. Influence college students' listening level improvement of the main factors

