急求!!!!!!!! 一个小小的英语推理案件的小笑话

2024-12-30 14:31:47

Xiao Ming one year old, the first time he shouted Grandpa, so Grandpa died. Not long after his first call my mother, the mother is dead. Still later, he shouted to my father, so Wang carpenter next door dead. A Tsinghua Dr. bug (bugs), this joke shouting grandfather should be the next king carpenter father died. An Jiaotong University students: carpenter's mother next door know this is not a bug (bugs)!


A few days ago filling out forms need to use English referred to as school, but I don't know, and to ask students. A good friend ZiYu is intelligent, said: \"the reasoning! MIT call what come?\" Answer: \"MIT!\" \"Then we Shanghai institute of technology is SHIT!\"


Li Ming is a boy who is alway afraid of dogs. At this time, why he is coming to dogs?