
2024-12-12 05:02:24


1." A month later"---->" In a month time", 还有一个月,或者一个月以后。
2."will be entered into"---->" will enter into" (主动)或者用"will be enrolled into" (被动)
3."university campus where is"---->" university, the compus of which is "
4. "the most desirable places for these high school students"---->"the most desirable place for them." 把复数改为单叔,用代词them代替“这些高中生”,因为不需要再重复一次。
5."For these.....should be prepare"---->这句话整个要改。不需要啰嗦重复一遍,直接用"For the freshmen (大一新生).who has just started their university life, what should be prepared?"
6.“First of all,....Finally...."从这里到最后,我全部重新修改了。
"First of all, you need to know that buying tickets can be a time-consuming task. So if you intend to travel by train, you will have to buy them in advance.Because it could get very difficult to purchase a ticket if you are late. Then traveling by air can be a good alternative. (那样的话,乘坐飞机可以是个不错的第二选择)But you need to learn about the weather ahead of shedule (提前了解天气),due to the flight is heavily depending on the weather conditions which decide on whether the flight will be canceled or not. As soon as you arrive at your university, you must register and pay your tuitions. Then you need to clean up your bedroom in which you will be living for four years. If you are in need of anything, you may go shopping in the supermarket. And you'd better buy some sunblocking creams for the military training later on. You have to protect your skin from the burning of sun exposure. Finally, I wish you all good luck and happy college life!


be entered into 一般表被动 人被上学好像不太合逻辑 建议改为主动 attend

where is the most desirable place(s )(单复数。。。)

For these students who presently entered the university campus, (时态,还有整句感觉不太对,presently 是紧接着发生 但好歹还空两个月。。。)
建议 who will presently enter the university campus(其实更建议用 about to 替换p 但是的确about to 比较土
what things they should be to prepare?(感觉很怪 ,用被动首先逻辑比较奇怪,语法不敢说,但我保证没有一个美国佬会用这句话。。。)

purchase 感觉票用订比较好

后面的in a timely manner 我只能说 若是国外考试千万别用,明显画蛇添足。国内考试。。。用就用了吧(国内不看逻辑,你用词花哨点就高分)还有就是最好放最后

.If you get to school on time, then you need to sign up and pay the...(没逻辑关系,不 on time 也要报道。。。)也是中国的考试没问题,国外的准是大错。还有貌似没记错的话是先存钱到卡上再去上学,也就是报到时钱已经交了。。。

bedroom 改为dormitory(大学集体宿舍寝室)
It would be(will be)

carried out? 你想说什么?

you need to purchase tickets in advance , since the train ticket supplies are tight 。


PS 最近在看GRE 所以对文章逻辑习惯性挑错,见谅啊