bid proposals 投标报价书
bidder 投标人
bidding evaluation 评标
big offering 大贱卖
Bill of Lading 提单
bill purchased; port bill of exchange;outward documentary bills 出口押汇
Blanket coverage 统一承保
blended type cigarette 混合型卷烟
blind signature 伪签名
bond note 海关保税输出证
bonded area 保税区
bonded factory 保税工厂
bonded goods/ goods in bond 保税货物
bonded warehouse 保税仓库
bonded warehouse;customs warehouse 保税仓库
BOP (Balance of Payments) Provisions 国际收支条款
border free trade zone 边境自由贸易 区
border trade 边境贸易
border trade point 边贸点
bought deal;underwrite;underwrite on a solo agency basis 包销
bound level 约束水平
brand effect 品牌效应
brandnames 名牌货
breach of contrac 违反合同
break-even analysis 保本分析
break-even point 保本点
Bretton Woods system 布雷顿森林体系
bridal market 新婚市场(指买卖兴旺的市场)
brisk trading 交投活跃
bucket shop 投机商号
Budget contributions 预算分摊额
built-in agenda 既定日程
bull operation 哄抬价格
Bulletin Board Service (BBS) 公告板服务
Burden of proof 举证责任
Business flourishes 生意兴隆
business hours 营业时间
business lobby 营业厅
business registration certificate 工商登记证
business registration 工商登记
buyer’s market 买方市场
buyer's market 买方市场
by-product / sideline product 副产品
call for bid / tender invitation 招标
support value duty 报价关税
switch trade 转手贸易
syndicated tender 联合投标
system of refunding taxes on exported goods 出口退税制度
taking delivery 受领货物
tariff alliance 关税联盟
tariff autonomy 关税自主
tariff barriers 关税壁垒
tariff ceiling 关税最高限额
tariff concession 关税减让
tariff escalation 关税升级
tariff preference 关税优惠
tariff quota 关税限额
tariff reduction and exemption 关税减免
taxable threshold 起征点
taxes and levies withheld by customs 海关代征税捐
technology transfer 技术转让
technology-intensive product 技术密集型产品
telecom service 通信服务
tender assessment 评标
tender bond 投标保证书
tender documents 招标文件
tender opening 开标
tender procedure 投标程序
tender’s tactics 投标策略
terms of trade 贸易条件
test marketing 试销
the investment subject 投资主体
the right product 适销对路产品
the system of public bi
corporate trade payments 公司交易支付
cost and freight 成本加运费
cost insurance and freight(CIF);freight 到岸价格
cost price 成本价;原价
cost, insurance and freight (CIF) 到岸价格
costs of EDI 电子数据交换成本
countercharge;counterclaim 反诉
counterfeit and shoddy products 假冒伪劣产品
countervailing duty 反补贴税
course of dealing 习惯做法
crack down on counterfeit goods 打假
credit card 信用卡
cross border supply 跨境交付(服务贸易)
cross retaliation 交叉报复
Cross-border supply 跨境交付
cross-subsidies 交叉补贴
currency fluctuation;currency movement 汇率变动
currency server 货币服务器
current period inventory 即期库存量
customs barrier; tariff wall 关税壁垒
customs bond 海关保税
customs certificate 海关证明书
customs clearance 结关
customs clearance 清关
customs clearing procedure for export 出口报关手续
Customs Co-operation Council 海关合作理事会
customs decision 海关处分通知单
customs declaration 报关
customs declaration for goods 货物报关单
customs detention 海关拘留
customs draw back 海关退税
customs entry 报关
customs examination 验关
customs fine 海关罚款
customs formalities 海关手续
customs frontier 关税国境
customs house broker 报关行
customs inspection 海关检查验关
customs inspector 海关检查员
customs invoice 海关发票
Customs Law 《海关法》
Customs Liquidation 清关
customs rules and regulations 海关规章制度及法令
capital export 资本输出
capital preservation product 保本产品
cargo / supervision and central over freight transport 货运监管
Carrier 承运人
cash concentration and disbursement 资金集中与支付
cash price 现金价
cash register 收款机
catalogue 产品目录
ceiling price 最高限价
central business district (CBD) 中央商务区
certification authority 认证机构
certified goods / up-to standard goods 正品
charges 费用划分
cheap goods 大路货
checking 查对
choice goods / collection 精品
chose in action; intangible assets 无形资产
chronic depression 慢性萧条
circumvention 规避
clause of reservation/ proviso clause / saving clause 保留条款
clearance paper 进出港许可证
clearance price 清仓价
clearance sale; be on sale 甩卖
clearing house interbank payments system 清算所银行间支付系统
clipper chip 审查芯片
Coercive package licensing 强制性一揽子许可
collapse / crash/ heavy decline / slump/ nose-dive /plunge 暴跌
collection of duty 征收关税
collection of duty short-paid 补税
combined management of industry and commerce 工商联营
combined operation/ management 合业经营
COMESA (Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa) 东部和南部非洲共同市场
commerce net 商务网
commercial and industrial law and regulations 工商法规
Commercial presence 商业存在
commercial service 商业服务
commercial speculation 商业炒作
commercialization 商品化
commercialization of public housing 公房商品化
commission agent 代销店
commodities for the home market 内销商品
commodity circulation 商品流通
commodity inspection 商品检验
They mainly trade with Japanese firms.
For the past five years, we have done a lot of trade with your company.
foreign trade 对外贸易
Heavy enquiries witness the quality of our products.
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