1。美术色彩实习 The fine arts color practises
2。建筑参观实习 The construction visit practises
Participates in the large-scale plot design bid project
4。中标 Is selected
5。体育特长Sports special skill
5。文艺委员 Literary committee member
1.Fine arts color practice
2.Construction visit practice
3.Participates in the large-scale plot design bid project
4. Is selected
5.Sports special skill
6.Literary committee member
1.practice of Arts &Color
2.observation & practice of construct.
3. to run for the design & quatation of large scale subdistricts
4. get the bid
5.gymnastic merits
6.the student in charge of literature and art
(如果不是学生 则用“committeeman”)
美术色彩实习 The fine arts color practises
建筑参观实习 The construction visit practises
Participates in the large-scale plot design bid project
中标 Is selected
体育特长Sports special skill
文艺委员 Literary committee member