导入3个js 和 1个css,可以通过css改变样式
jAlert('This is a custom alert box', 'Alert Dialog');
jConfirm('Can you confirm this?', 'Confirmation Dialog', function(r) { jAlert('Confirmed: ' + r, 'Confirmation Results');});
jPrompt('Type something:', 'Prefilled value', 'Prompt Dialog', function(r) { if( r ) alert('You entered ' + r);});
jAlert('You can use HTML, such as bold, italics, and underline!');
By changing the value of the $.alerts.dialogClass property (and creatingyour own CSS class), you can changes the style of your dialogs:
View the plugin source for additional properties that can be modifed at runtime.
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所需CSS: 使用方法,直接调用函数,传递所需定义的信息,支持定义是否有取消键:alertMsg(msg, mode) //mode为空,即只有一个确认按钮,mode为1时有确认和取消两个按钮