The Necklace is a short story written by French writer Guy de Maupassant. The story is about a young wife, Mathilde, who feels unsatisfied with her life and dreams of being part of the high society. One day, she is invited to a ball where she feels out of place and embarrassed. To solve this problem, she borrows a magnificent necklace from a friend, but unfortunately, she loses it.
To replace the lost necklace, Mathilde's husband gets a loan and buys a similar one, but they have to save money for years to pay it off. After ten years of hard work, they finally pay off the debt, but Mathilde finds out that the necklace her friend lent her was fake and worth much less than what they had paid for it.
The story ends with Mathilde realizing that she had wasted her life chasing after material pleasures and social status, and that she had lost precious time that she could have spent enjoying life and being happy with her husband and family.
Necklace > was written by ministry of education LuoEr plug wife this staff from secretarial writing nets mathilde education minister, she held in order to attend the party, the husband ready to buy the four hundred francs that go far bought garments, and to his girlfriend fell to clean and borrowed a diamond necklace. At the party, she dressed feminine charm appear very outstanding, "male guest are looking at her trance" and "minister also noticed her." She felt this was "a success", very satisfied. After coming home, her undressing when suddenly found her necklace gone, couples greatly astonished, in the aspects of scour, under the situation of had to compensation. In jewelry business, they found a string of identical necklace, value than 36,000 francs. Due to their own life is not very bounteous, faced a big number, they had to everywhere debts, finally bought a bunch of true diamond necklace to owner. But then, they spent ten years, to pay off his debts. Then one day, mathilde met girlfriend fell to and unclean, when I talk know previously lent her necklace is a fake, but she has lost a really necklace.