These civilizing characteristics have been amazingly similar in all the periods of Chinese history. We are suggesting that they influence similarly the behaviour of today's elites, most notably managers and business people. In this paper, we propose that there is a key, based on history, that can help decode the behaviour of business elites in China. The key proposed here is built from the facts of the historical novel, Three Kingdoms, written in the 14th century by Luo Guanzhong. The novel and the history it tells have been and still remain a major socializing instrument of all the elite groups in China. It is hard to imagine that a person in China, whether young or old, poor or wealthy, more or less educated, does not know the protagonists and the multiples battles of that troubled period in the history of China.
As suggested earlier, all the Chinese leaders regularly refer to events or lessons described in the novel. It is no surprise that rulers would make interpretations of the novel events that favoured their goals and projects. For example, Cao Cao, the king and great strategist of the Wei kingdom was considered during the communist period a poor example to give to the young. In contrast, Zhuge Liang's loyalty and dedication were seen as representative of Chinese spirit, and a model to follow. Today, references to characters of the novel are common and the art of war is widely seen as being better described by the Three Kingdoms text than by the book of the famous Sun Tzu3.
This paper is divided into six parts. In the first, we present the history of the Three Kingdoms, and discuss its importance for China. In the second part, we provide the readers with some methodological considerations to help them assess the value of our conclusions. In the third part, we analyze roles, values and norms of behaviour of the key characters and highlight how they are being used by today's leadership. In the fourth part, we describe and discuss the importance of a group, critical for the management of things, the advisors to the kings. In the fifth part we discuss more general questions such as conditions of success in the conduct of war or in competitive rivalry. Finally, in the last part, we evoke the consequences of these arguments for research about China and business relations in China.