
2024-12-31 21:42:53


According to the information on the system display type EHE38085 the box product is PS, a total of 17 wafer. EHE38085A the box type is PN, a total of 4 Wafer. So we got some questions to confirm with you together,
1 of the two box products we need to know what is the difference?
2 according to the invoice information display EHE38085 is 4 rather than 17 gold medals, why we system which shows that the EHE38085 is 17, EHE38085A is 4?


According to the information on the system shows that the type of EHE38085 is PS,a total of 17 wafer.the type of EHE38085A is PN,a total of 4 wafer. So we have some questions to confirm with you together.
first,we need to know what is difference between the two box products?
second,according to the invoice information shows that EHE38085 is 4 rather than 17,but why do we system shows that EHE38085 is 17 pieces,EHE38085 is 4 pieces?


According to the information from the system, the product EHE38085 belongs to the type PS, and there are 17 wafers in total. For the product EHE38085A, which is type PN, there are 4 wafers in total. 

Therefore we would like to clarify a few doubts with you:

  1. We need to know what is the difference between the two products.

  2. According to the receipt, there should be 4 EHE38085 wafers but not 17, why our system shows there are 17 wafers of product EHE38085? Besides, why there are only 4 wafers of product EHE38085A?