CH401, CH601 and CH801 are three kinds of monochromatic printers with different specifications, they are widely used to print on the concavo and convex surfaces for the electronics,plastics, glass, ceramics and metals and so on with special printing features.
1. operating principle
The printing designs etching on the steel plate, the machineroller has not spread the printing ink the cloth in the steel platesurface, the printing ink shaving knife blows the design 凸处printing ink only, a soft nature rubber whereabouts moistens thedesign depression printing ink takes, again shifts to treats printingon the thing.
2. performance characteristic
1st, the microcomputer control, the function use, the operationis simple.
2nd, completely uses the world name brand qigong part.
3rd, may two time take the ink to print a time, obtains the thickerprinting ink level.
4th, is equipped with the automatic counter, four levels of speedcontrols.
5th, when suspension printing around may make the spatial movement,prevented the printing ink dry congeals.
3.technical parameters
CH-401 CH-601 CH-801
Biggest steel plate size 100×150mm 150×250mm 200×300mm
Rubber translation travelling schedule 125mm 160mm 245mm
The most great seal brushes the radian 120° 120° 120°
Highest running rate 2,200/hour 1,500/hour 1,200/hours
External dimensions (mm) 650×540×1210 750×570×1345960×690×1540
Barometric pressure 4-6bar
Power source 220V 50/60HZ
4.function of the various parts on the machine (sees chart one)
1st, adjusting knob: The adjustment moves India rubber whenprints the position whereabouts the height.
2nd, adjusting knob: The adjustment moves India rubber when moistensthe ink position whereabouts the height.
3rd, clamping screw nail: Fixedly prints the steel plate.
4th, bolt: After 油盘 the about proportional type control locksfixedly with this bolt.
5th, adjustment hand: Adjusts the work table the around position,
19th, clamping screw nail: The pine operates a bolt to bepossible to adjust the rubber head the around position, after adjustslocks again fixedly.
20th, adjustment hand: Adjusts the work table the about position.Before the adjustment should open the knob 22 pines.
21st, water trap module.
22nd, knob: Locks the fixed work table the about position.
23rd, corner knob: Two coordinations, a precession, turns on lathe,adjusts the work table the deflection angle.
5.operates the kneading board (sees chart two)
1st, special function (SPECIAL): Uses in the work table to trythe position, Yu Benji is invalid.
2nd, counts demonstrated that, Demonstrated the machine prints numberof times, right side button clear zero.
3rd, the start/stops (START/STOP): According to, the machine startscontinuously to print, again presses, the machine knock off.
4th, function choice (FUNCTON): May choose the machine according tothis Niu the different printing way. When the 1# lamp is bright,rubber moistens the ink time to print time; When 2# lamp bright,rubber moistens the ink two time to print a time, when does not havethe ink insufficiently thick, the color is paler may choose a way.
5th, trial position (TEST): According to, moves India rubber in toprint the position or to moisten ink position whereabouts, uses inwhen primary printing rubber relative work table position adjustment.
6th, speed (SPEED): Turns according to this chooses the machine thedifferent printing speed. The speed divides into four levels, a levelquickest, four levels are slowest.
7th, the white line/is automatic (SWEEP/AUTO): When chooses the whiteline according to this Niu, rubber does not moisten the ink not toprint, only around moves; When chooses automatically, continuous run.
6. the water trap module (sees chart three)
Including the cut-off valve, the pressure-regulating valve,the water diversion filter, may obtain the pressure through it to besuitable, the clean dry gas source air current.
Cut-off valve: To right pushes - clears, to left pushes - the closure.
Pressure-regulating valve: First upwardly pulls up the knob, then theclockwise rotation pressure increases; The counterclockwise rotationpressure reduces, after moves pushes the knob under locking.
Water diversion filter: When the drinking glass ponding excessivelyare many should promptly discharge, upwardly jacks the base thimblethe water then to flow out.
7.before printing preparation
1st, meets 220V/the 50HZ alternating current supply, opens thepower source opening.
2nd, presses the water trap accent the knob upwardly to pull out,counterclockwise rotation to smallest condition; Also transfers to themost narrow view the shaving knife delivery valve, in order to avoidputs through was mad when source oversized damages the machine becauseof the barometric pressure.
3rd, meets is mad the source, turns on the water trap cut-off valve.Transfers to between 4 - 6bar the barometric pressure, then pressesdown the knob.
4th, installs printing and the adjustment work table to the suitablealtitude, causes printing to print the surface and the steel plateapproximately in the identical altitude.
5th, the choice manual way carries on tries to print, to machine partand so on work table carries on the adjustment.
After the above preparation, enables the machine to achieve thebest printing condition, then might start to carry on prints.
Attention: In case the power failure the machine would return to the condition same as the prestarting mode. Any part of your body is not allowed to enter into the movement scope of the machine to prevent against the collision.
CH401, CH601 and CH801 are three kind of specifications differentsingle colors moves the copier, widely is suitable for the electron,the revertex, the glass, the ceramics, the metal and so on unevensuperficial special printing.
First, principle of work
The printing design etching on the steel plate, the machineroller has not spread the printing ink the cloth in the steel platesurface, the printing ink shaving knife blows the design 凸处printing ink only, a soft nature rubber whereabouts moistens thedesign depression printing ink takes, again shifts to treats printingon the thing.
Second, performance characteristic
1st, the microcomputer control, the function use, the operationis simple.
2nd, completely uses the world name brand qigong part.
3rd, may two time take the ink to print a time, obtains the thickerprinting ink level.
4th, is equipped with the automatic counter, four levels of speedcontrols.
5th, when suspension printing around may make the spatial movement,prevented the printing ink dry congeals.
Third, technical parameter
CH-401 CH-601 CH-801
Biggest steel plate size 100×150mm 150×250mm 200×300mm
Rubber translation travelling schedule 125mm 160mm 245mm
The most great seal brushes the radian 120° 120° 120°
Highest running rate 2,200/hour 1,500/hour 1,200/hours
External dimensions (mm) 650×540×1210 750×570×1345960×690×1540
Barometric pressure 4-6bar
Power source 220V 50/60HZ
Fourth, the machine various parts function (sees chart one)
1st, adjusting knob: The adjustment moves India rubber whenprints the position whereabouts the height.
2nd, adjusting knob: The adjustment moves India rubber when moistensthe ink position whereabouts the height.
3rd, clamping screw nail: Fixedly prints the steel plate.
4th, Bolt: After the oil disk about proportional type control locks fixedly with this bolt.
5th, adjustment hand: Adjusts the work table the around position,
19th, clamping screw nail: The pine operates a bolt to bepossible to adjust the rubber head the around position, after adjustslocks again fixedly.
20th, adjustment hand: Adjusts the work table the about position.Before the adjustment should open the knob 22 pines.
21st, water trap module.
22nd, knob: Locks the fixed work table the about position.
23rd, corner knob: Two coordinations, a precession, turns on lathe,adjusts the work table the deflection angle.
Fifth, operates the kneading board to explain (sees chart two)
1st,Makes ready especially function (SPECIAL): Uses in the work table trying the position, is invalid in the this aircraft
2nd, counts demonstrated that, Demonstrated the machine prints numberof times, right side button clear zero.
3rd, the start/stops (START/STOP): According to, the machine startscontinuously to print, again presses, the machine knock off.
4th, function choice (FUNCTON): May choose the machine according tothis Niu the different printing way. When the 1# lamp is bright,rubber moistens the ink time to print time; When 2# lamp bright,rubber moistens the ink two time to print a time, when does not havethe ink insufficiently thick, the color is paler may choose a way.
5th, trial position (TEST): According to, moves India rubber in toprint the position or to moisten ink position whereabouts, uses inwhen primary printing rubber relative work table position adjustment.
6th, speed (SPEED): Turns according to this chooses the machine thedifferent printing speed. The speed divides into four levels, a levelquickest, four levels are slowest.
7th, the white line/is automatic (SWEEP/AUTO): When chooses the whiteline according to this Niu, rubber does not moisten the ink not toprint, only around moves; When chooses automatically, continuous run.
Sixth, the water trap module (sees chart three)
Including the cut-off valve, the pressure-regulating valve, thewater diversion filter, may obtain the pressure through it to besuitable, the clean dry gas source air current.
Cut-off valve: To right pushes - clears, to left pushes - the closure.
Pressure-regulating valve: First upwardly pulls up the knob, then theclockwise rotation pressure increases; The counterclockwise rotationpressure reduces, after moves pushes the knob under locking.
Water diversion filter: When the drinking glass ponding excessivelyare many should promptly discharge, upwardly jacks the base thimblethe water then to flow out.
Seventh, before printing preparation
1st, meets 220V/the 50HZ alternating current supply, opens thepower source opening.
2nd, presses the water trap accent the knob upwardly to pull out,counterclockwise rotation to smallest condition; Also transfers to themost narrow view the shaving knife delivery valve, in order to avoidputs through was mad when source oversized damages the machine becauseof the barometric pressure.
3rd, meets is mad the source, turns on the water trap cut-off valve.Transfers to between 4 - 6bar the barometric pressure, then pressesdown the knob.
4th, installs printing and the adjustment work table to the suitablealtitude, causes printing to print the surface and the steel plateapproximately in the identical altitude.
5th, the choice manual way carries on tries to print, to machine partand so on work table carries on the adjustment.
After the above preparation, after enables the machine to achieve thebest printing condition, then might start to carry on prints.
Attention: The power failure opportunity can before the self-recoverystart the condition, bodily any part not have to enter the machinepart in the movement scope, guards against the collision.
CH401, CH601 and CH801 are three kinds of monochrome of specification dissimilarity to move to print machine, extensive be applicable to an electronics, plastics, glass, porcelain and ceramics, metals' etc. cave and convex gravamen surface of special printing.
A, work principle
The printing pattern eclipse engrave on the steel plate, the machine have no Gun pair of printing ink coating in the steel plate surface, the printing ink drawknife pare off the printing ink of the pattern convex place clean, the soft gum head whereabouts be stained with the printing ink of pattern hollow place to take, again transfer article that need to be print.
Two, function characteristic
1, micro-computer control, function usage, operation simple.
2, all adoption famous brand Chi Kung component in the world.
3, two take a Mo printing once to acquire thicker printing ink layer.
4, establish an auto-count machine, four class speed control.
5, at pause printing can make in front and back air freight line, prevent°from printing ink dried up condense.
Three, technique parameter
CH-401 CH-601 CH-801
The biggest steel plate size 100 × 150 mm 150 × 250 mm 200 × 300 mm
The gum head is even to move the route of travel 125 mm 160 mm 245 mm
The biggest printing radian 120 ° 120 ° 120 °
Tallest circulate speed 2200 times/hour 1500 times/hour 1200 times/hour
Shape size(mm)650 × 540 × 1210750 ×s 570 × 1345960 ×s 690 × 1540
Air pressure 4-6 bar
The power supply 220 V 50/60 HZ
Four, the function of each parts of machine(see diagram a)
1, regulate a knob:Regulate to move to print a gum head at printing position whereabouts of Gao Di.
2, regulate a knob:Gao Di regulated to move to print a gum head while being stained with Mo position whereabouts.
3, tight settle bolt:Fix printing steel plate.
4, bolt:When the or so position of the oil dish adjust good empress use this bolt lock tight fix.
5, regulate handle knob:Regulate a work pedestal in front and back position,
19, tight settle bolt:Loose open some whole gum head with adjustable bolt in front and back position, adjust good empress again lock tight fix.
20, regulate handle knob:Regulate the or so position of work pedestal.Before regulate should knob 22 loose open.
21, cent water machine module.
22, knob:Lock tight fix work the or so position of the pedestal.
23, turn a Cape knob:Two match, a Xuan enter, a Xuan, adjust work deflect of pedestal Cape.
Five, operation front-panel elucidation(see diagram two)
1, have function(SPECIAL) especially:Used for the work set try, invalid at this machine.
2, count a manifestation:Manifestation machine printing of number of times, the right side the button be pure zero.
3, start/stop(START/STOP):Press once, machine beginning continuous printing, again press once, machine stop work.
4, function choice(FUNCTON):Press this knob can choice the dissimilarity of the machine printing way.When 1# light is bright, the gum head is once stained with Mo a printing;When 2# light is bright, the gum head be once stained with the Mo two printing, be have no Mo not enough thick, the color be thinner can choice some way.
5, try:Press once, move to print a gum head at printing position or be stained with Mo position whereabouts once, the gum head be opposite work set position while used for first time printing of adjust.
6, speed(SPEED):Press this dissimilarity which twist choice machine printing speed.The speed is divided into four classes, one class be the quick, and four classes be most slow.
7, blank line/auto(SWEEP/AUTO):While press this knob choice blank line, the gum head don't be stained with Mo also not printing, just in front and back move;Win an election to choose auto, machine continuous work.
Six, cent water machine module(see diagram three)
Include to close valve, adjust to press valve, cent water filter, pass it can acquire pressure appropriate, sweep dry of spirit source current of air.
Close valve:Rightwards push-inauguration, to left push-close.
Adjust to press valve:Start to pull a knob first upward, then agreeable the hour hand revolve pressure to enlarge;The negative hour hand revolve pressure to let up, after tune up knob bottom push to target.
Cent water filter:When water cup accumulate water excessive hour should eject in time, bottom crest needle upward crest water then run off.
Seven, printing front of preparation
1, mount the AC power of the 220 V/50 HZ, turn power on beginning.
2, adjust cent water machine to press a knob to pull up upward, negative the hour hand revolve to minimum appearance;Drawknife pressure the valve also adjust to minimum place, in order to prevent connect spirit source because the air pressure lead big but damage machine.
3, mount spirit source, close cent water machine valve to open.Adjust the air pressure to the of 4 - 6 bars, then press a knob.
4, pack a piece up the printing and adjust work pedestal to appropriate of height, make printing piece to be printed surface and steel plate mostly at same height.
5, the choice hand move a way to carry on trying a printing, to machine of work set etc. the parts carry on adjust.
Through the above-mentioned preparation, make the machine attain the best printing appearance after, then canned start carry on printing.
Attention:Power failure opportune moment machine would auto return to the start ex- appearance, the body be any part don't want to get into a machine parts of sport inside scope, in order to prevent collision.